The Five : FOXNEWSW : August 13, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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heat up, especially the warmer waters. we are following that. ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello, everyone.

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i'm dana perino one of judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr., charlie hurt come in greg gutfeld. 5:00 in new york city. this is "the five." ♪ ♪ donald trump and elon musk holding a wide-ranging to our talk on x, the platform formerly known as twitter. at times the two titans were chatting like old friends and touching on everything from the economy, education, ai, and kamala harris. >> the thing that they really is making them angry is what kamala and biden have allowed to happen to the economy. it's a disaster with inflation. she is incompetent and he is incompetent, and frankly, i think he is more incompetent than he is, and that is saying something because he is not too good. she is a radical left lunatic, and if she is going to be a president, very quickly you are not going to have a country anymore, and she will go back to all of the things she believes in. she believes in defunding the police. she believes in no fracturing. >> they are rewriting history

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and making it, making kamala's on like a moderate when she is far, far left. >> dana: the interview also chock-full of some serious trumpian moments. watch this. >> the stupid threats coming from a stupid face, illegal immigration -- you are laughing, but the exact angle appeared i said to him, vladimir putin, don't do it. you can't do it, vladimir. you do it, it's going to be a bad day, you cannot do it. and i told him things, that what i do, and he says no way, and i said come away. on "time" magazine today, she looks like the most beautiful actress ever to live. it was a drawing. actually she looked very much like a great first lady, melania. if something happens with this election, which should be a horror show, we will meet the next time in venezuela because it will be a far safer place to meet that our country. >> dana: some in the media,

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you can imagine they are not happy you got to hear those words. hours before the interview even began, one reporter from "the washington post" asked if the white house was going to intervene to prevent misinformation. >> i think that misinformation on twitter is not just a campaign issue, it is an america issue. what role does the white house or the president have in sort of stopping them, stopping the spread of that, or sort of intervening? >> dana: charlie, i was just thinking back to our days in the briefing room and if somebody would have asked that, i know you would have laughed out loud. >> charlie: they would have been drummed out of there, as they should have been. i really don't get it but it does underscore just how far, you know, journalistic standards have fallen over the years, but also how zealously, so many people in the left-wing press, are working overtime to sort of

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extend this honeymoon as long as they can. i don't think they can do it until the election which is the real problem, although i do think she is going to probably get another week of it come of the honeymoon, because of the convention next week in chicago. i thought that thing last night was absolutely fascinating. you have two of the most consequent show people on the planet today talking about real things. talking about rockets and tunnels, and of course, donald trump used to drive his people crazy when he ran in 2016, talking about how he built buildings. i built buildings p or people who do that are problem solvers, and if you listen to that entire thing last night, they were talking about solving problems, and you are not talking about ideologues or politicians. they are people who want to solve problems. it is very refreshing, whether it breaks through and actually changes anybody's mind, i don't know, but i do think it is sort of the right direction if you want to solve the problems that are facing our country.

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>> dana: we have plenty of them. can you play the sound bite from elon musk about how he considers himself? >> i have not been very political before. they try to paint me as a far right guy, which is absurd because i like making electric vehicles, i supported obama come i stood in line for six hours to shake obama's hand, historically immoderate democrat, but now i feel like we are really at a critical juncture for the country, so people out there who are in the moderate camp just say, i think you should support donald trump for president. >> dana: i thought that was an interesting take p or what do you think? >> greg: piggybacking on charlie hurt's' point, they weren't talking about amorphous, dystopian hypotheticals. they are talking what economic development, debt, artificial intelligence, watching two people come arguably two of the most powerful people on the planet, agreeing about the state of the world come it also talking about the future, not making up stories, like the fine people hoax, which is

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what harris and liz warren were pushing last night. when you think about those televised hearings, when our politicians are talking about one issue, and they have to be prepped by staffers bearing reams of research, laid out perfectly for them, and they still don't know what the hell they are talking about, yet these two guys, i don't know how deep trump can go on this stuff but he can at least talk about artificial intelligence. kamala harris is the czar of ai and all she knows is you could use some. and then her campaign -- her campaign, which kills me -- said it was too rich guys talking. so i guess like apollo 11 was a bunch of white guys going on a road trip. it kind of celebrates -- it is a

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defense of lethargy and ignorance. on one hand you've got a man who created an implant to help paralyzed people think. he built rockets and cars. on the other hand you have a guy who doesn't get paid to be president, he could have retired, and he gets shot. these are two rich guys talking. there is like this weird decline in the appreciation of achievement. these are people when i was growing up you put them up on a pedestal and say i want to be howard hughes. or i want to be joe dimaggio. in this case, they don't like aspirational efforts unless the government can take credit for it. they mocked private citizens when they do well because it's just two guys talking. two rich guys talking. walz, walz doesn't have anything. he doesn't have a bank account. isn't that amazing? no, it's not. it's kind of sad. i just want to touch on the 30 minute delay thing and watching people dunk on that. when you are an inventor who aims for big things, every day you have a failure to launch,

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whether it is a rocket, whether it is a business, whether it is some social media experiment. that is, successful people fail every single day, and they fail big. the only people who don't understand that our actual failures. people who aren't successful don't understand how failure is necessary to succeed. compare musk's failures last night to harris failing spectacularly in the 2019 primaries. she failed horribly and still got a vp slot. and then in 2024, they want her off the ticket, and she ended up on the ticket. that doesn't happen in the private sector. you own your failures. in the public sector, they just boost you on up. >> dana: you mentioned, judge, the two rich guys having a conversation, what if it had been donald trump and warren buffett? with that have been a complaint because warren buffett is very supportive of kamala harris.

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if you are rich come on one end, you are good, and if not, you support trump, you are not good. >> judge jeanine: the point greg makes is a good one. they have reached the pinnacle of the business world, and two of them having a free-flowing conversation that kamala is trying to convince us or the democrats are trying to convince us is really a threat to democracy. it's a threat to democracy because they can't control the narrative. and the amazing part of it is that musk said, look, if kamala harris wants to come on x and have this conversation, i would be happy to have her on, as well. you know, i kind of like listening to some substance as opposed to talking for weeks on end about how kamala just won't come out and speak, although what she did do was she says, apparently last night she says, trying to control democracy, started fundraising, chip in $25 now so we can respond to their lies. be real easy, respond to their lies. sitting down and having an

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interview. maybe with elon musk. i like hearing about an iron dome for the united states. i like hearing about different things that could be helpful to us, some substantive thing and not the same stuff, you know, we have been talking abo about, and i really admire the two of them for what they were willing to say and what they were unafraid of. you know, people are on donald trump all the time about the leaders of north korea and russia and china. he just talks about them being at the top of their game. he isn't praising them. he is speaking about reality. when biden is there, putin invades ukraine, iran launches come hamas goes against israel, and he is just recognizing the reality of the world. i think that a lot of this and what the american people have to understand is it is during the biden administration and the kamala, biden-harris, they censored information, called us

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extremists, they want to take us back, as opposed to the free-flowing information of democracy. >> dana: how did you see it, harold? >> harold: i listened to parts of it. good to be with you, charlie. >> judge jeanine: what about me? >> harold: i love judge. i would say a couple things. i listened to about half of it. i don't care if they are poor guys or rich guys or middle-class guys. they are two guys who have been very successful. it's interesting come in july of 2022, both of these guys said negative things about one another publicly. mr. musk said something on twitter, saying donald trump was too old to serve out another term and he thought desantis would win going away. and i think mr. trump said some things about mr. musk, as well. i'm glad to see we all can agree they can move beyond those things. two, kamala harris has her vulnerabilities, trying to get to the center on a number of issues. it will be interesting to see during this debate, it appears

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on friday she is going to give a speech in north carolina about her economic policies and about what differences or things she aligns with president biden on. i do find it interesting, some people call her incompetent and they don't think she can rise up to the ability and then they decide all the blame for everything that has happened. she is either smart or dumb. i happen to think she is smart, and we will get a chance to see on friday whether she has real ideas and substantive ideas or the beginning of that to move the country to a different place economically. i will tell you another thing. i think this coming friday, get close to the convention, president trump had 28.5 million people watch him in his convention speech. i thought the first one he 5 minutes of that speech, charlie and i were together, dana and i were together that evening. was brilliant. i thought the remaining 60 or 70 could have been organized a little better. it will be interesting to see if vice president harris, if she is able to, after this friday's

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presentation, maintain the interest in her over the next week, to see if you can get big viewership, as well. i hope she is able to. i think it is good for the country. democrats shouldn't be confused. this race is externally tight. it will remain tight for a while, as we look at these states, the swing voters are. kamala harris will have to be on her a game, and so is president trump. the other take away from last night, they talked about substance, but it reminded me that biden's frailties kind of mask some of trump's challenges going into this race, and now that president trump is trying his hardest to find a way to challenge and go up against vice president harris, you heard sounds of it, judge, i would agree, some ideas were interesting and some i even agreed with. than you heard parts of it that were not, a little pessimistic and i don't think he praised china's leader and russia's leader, nothing wrong with saying we have to beat them but praising those leaders, to your

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point, greg -- >> judge jeanine: what i'm saying -- >> harold: i never heard, greg made the point, there was a time when we elevated these leaders. there are leaders i remember watching as a kid, president reagan, mr. crisler, john johnson, they would never elevate leaders that way. they would talk about the challenges. and i agree with you in that regard. we have a big race in front of us and i am looking forward to every debate and every exchange. >> dana: do you think we get to sit next to each other at the convention next week, harold? we can write notes back and forth? >> harold: i can't wait. i have a picture with you in my phone. >> dana: he shows it to everyone. ahead, the media says who cares about the policies or that she hasn't held a newser in 23 days, did you know that kamala spreads joy? ♪ ♪ as the leaves turn and the air cools, we remember why we hunt.

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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: the liberal media couldn't care less that kamala harris might be the most unprepared of far left president history or that she hasn't held a newser and 23 days since joe dropped out. all that matters is that she is full of joy. the media has been pumping out some seriously clownish headlines that kamala's vibe, with one saying "harris is pushing joy, trump paints a darker picture. will mismatch moods matter? and the dems and the tv pundits are also pushing the kamala joy nonsense. >> there is a vibe. there is a cultural shift going on here. >> it is heavy on vibes and so far it seems to be working. >> the attacks just aren't

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sticking. the bullies power starts to shrink, and the new kid changes the vibe on the playground. >> you now see democrats, there is joy in our party. this harris-walz ticket is like a moment of joy that allows us to heal the trauma and get to a different space. >> one of the great achievements of the young harris-walz candidacy as they popped that balloon, and now he just looks. >> judge jeanine: all right, greg, is a sunny, outlook, joyful vibe enough to have americans overlook the fact there was no boers and they could afford food and gas was jt they could buy a house. >> greg: it's sexist and it's racist. [laughter] why do they keep saying kamala? they keep correlating or linking her to joy. is it because they expect only a woman of color to wash dishes?

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>> charlie: wow appeared. >> judge jeanine: okay... >> greg: see what i did there? what kills me is watching the biased press say that trump is struggling to deal with a younger candidate who is female and black. there is a couple of idiotic beliefs in there. once, one, that you have to treat a candidate differently or treat them with kid gloves because of their gender or their race or their age. it's pretty patronizing to that candidate. and also, it assumes that you are supposed to change, which is somewhat racist. they also -- this is what really kills me -- he is dealing with so many, he is unfamiliar with -- you are 70 years on the planet, i think trump is engaged with someone that is like kamala harris in his lifetime. he has only been in real estate and entertainment, casinos, hoteling. the media refuses to encounter any kind of experience outside of government. you know, this is the first time he ever deals with a woman of color. how will he handle that? g, i don't know.

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to me, that blows my mind that they always act like this is the only time that it matters. no, people have been dealing with people of every race, creed, and color their entire lives. >> judge jeanine: all right, charlie, isn't the darker view that they attribute to trump literally nothing more than some of the democrat policies that have put america in a situation where they can't afford what they could afford four years ago? >> charlie: oh, i think absolutely. also i don't think it is joy you see among democrats, i think what you see is relief to the whole weekend at bernie's thing being over. >> harold: it's joy. [laughter] >> greg: can't tell the difference. >> charlie: but it's also this thing, in politics you want to turn your weaknesses into strengths and your opponents -- so the cackling. they are floating this word about the joy because they are trying to sort of disarm the whole cackling thing that she does, which is very off-putting, but they have really got that under wraps. they have surgically removed her

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laughing cords. there is no cackling going on. but it is amazing to watch how hard the press strains, like with the "time" magazine cover, where she wouldn't even sit for the photo shoot, so they do a charcoal drawing so that they have this glowing image of no comment kamala on the front cover. at some point it becomes sort of an abusive relationship with the press. you can do it maybe for another week but then the wheels start falling off. >> judge jeanine: you know, harold, democrats actually say, why would we start talking policy? why would we change anything with kamala? she has rated so welcome are americans that shallow? >> harold: i don't think so p or i think come friday when the vice president's or stroll out her economic policies which he has vowed to do, i think that is when the process begins beard i do think there has been some

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name-calling continued by president trump, and i think we've all gotten used to him a little bit. you said something brilliant last week, greg, maybe it was this week i got my days confused now, you said president trump, we can't expect kind of a normal politician because he is not that. at some level you are exactly right and if not at every level and i think judge some people are just tired of it. calling her, you know come he called her not black, he ranked her as a second-best woman he has run against, said that hillary was smarter. the low iq -- all of these things, we can pretend he doesn't say it but he does say them. >> greg: he has been called hitler for four years and his supporters have been called nazis, it is open game. >> harold: i was talking about the joy and pessimism thing. she has not calling him those things. >> greg: she did the fine people hoax last night, that's the worst thing you can do, harold come in your face. >> judge jeanine: all right --

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>> harold: the last thing with president trump and the foreign leaders praise, president reagan, the most famous foreign policy speech, when he was working with mikhail gorbachev on things, he said, mr. gorbachev, tear down this wall. that was an american moment, animal went for freedom, and president trump, he says meiser things about vladimir putin. he congratulated vladimir putin when evan came home. we have a ways to go here appeared i hope both sides, frustration with both sides and read relief and joy on the democrat side because of where e are, but to answer your question, she is going to have to answer -- >> judge jeanine: but -- >> greg: but harold come he got shot, what, three weeks ago, put up his fist and yelled fight fight fight. that is a hell of a moment. how long did the media let that marinade? >> harold: on talking about foreign leaders on the way he praises -- >> judge jeanine: you keep saying that he praises them, he doesn't, he said they are at the top of their game. and obviously biden couldn't

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keep up with them because they are invading countries while he is the president. anyway, i want, talking abut hillary clinton, do you remember when she ran for president? she wrote herself off from the press expecting a coronation to occur. but what is interesting about kamala now is she is giving this speech on economics, do you think she will take questions or just read from a teleprompter? >> dana: to give an economic speech on a friday in the summer, big what, who cares, at this point? she doesn't have it. a vibe campaign, it could work. we will see. i would rather be known as a leader, a persuader, some on with creativity and seriousness and policy chops and intelligence that is saying we have big problems in this country, follow me, there is so many things she could say, we have to wait until friday -- also come i call it the jingo campaign. jenga at first is very easy. i got this one, you got that one. it gets harder, going to give a

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speech, still standing, thank god, so maybe they get there next week on the jenga campaign but at some point, as with all jenga games, it will come crashing down and i think the race is an exact tie. i know we have to go but i didn't have a chance, hearing cnn, three points for democrats, just worth mentioning, trump wins, the difference between the polls at this point and the result matches what we saw in 2016 or 2020. and that trump is more popular now at this point in 2016 or 2020, even though they don't want to believe that, and that right now democrats are not saying that they are more likely to vote now than they were in may. they might have joy or relief but they are not saying they are more likely to vote. >> harold: this is a tight race. i agree with you. >> judge jeanine: ahead, another horrific migrant crime happening on kamala's watch. tw meet the jennifers. jen x. jen y. and jen z.

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♪ ♪ >> charlie: so if kamala harris wants to play tough on immigration she better oh up to the mass her own open borders stance has left behind like this horrific story. two migrants were arrested in coney island this week in connection with a brutal rape of a woman a knifepoint. the victim telling "the new york post" "he didn't try to rape me, he tried to kill me. i kept telling him god was watching." you can expect to see a lot more of these crimes, criminal immigrants roaming the streets if kamala wins in november. check out this resurfaced clip of harris on detention centers. >> i want to know, when you become president, would you be committing to a close the immigration detention centers? >> absolutely come on day one. on day one. [applause] >> charlie: so, harold,

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listening to the x thing last night, elon musk was talking about how he didn't consider himself a conservative come he considers himself common sense. this is the sort of thing i think he is talking about. a lot of these policies are truly indefensible and they are making people's lives worse. >> harold: all violence regardless of committed by anybody is tragic and unacceptable. this issue of migrants coming into our cities across the country and committing these crimes touches a chord with us even more because these people are not american citizens and there's questions about where they should be here or not. my believe on vice president harris is she is going to have to answer these questions. talk about what she did, what she learned and how she would be different and then the american people are going to be the ultimate judge and arbiter of whether she is telling the tru truth. it's only fair and i think americans will be fair, the

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country will be fair as they listen to her. and they will judge and see if she is being authentic. if she is being ambitious and saying these things come i think she will be penalized, but i also think she will ask president trump, as he has not fully answer the question, why did you block the bill that republicans and democrats negotiated? they don't live in a dictatorship, there was an opportunity to at least get a better plan or set of laws on the books, get the ball rolling but i don't doubt you, she is going to have to answer these questions in this debate even more over the next few weeks pure judge? >> judge jeanine: if we don't live in a dictatorship, how is she running for president without one-vote? >> harold: she got all the delegates. >> judge jeanine: i will let that pass. bottom line, when you have a sanctuary city, sanctuary policies, right to shelter, no cash bail, all democrats supported, defund the police, you are going to have a world like this and with kamala harris in the white house, it will only increase exponentially.

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all you have to do is see the passion in that woman's voice when she sat on day one, i'm going to close those migrant centers. we are going to send them into your community. we are going to give them the right to vote, health care, education, whatever they need, we are going to give it to them, and you americans who fought in the wars and built the streets, you are going to pay your taxes to pay for them. she says in 2019 when she was running for president for a second, she set on day one i'll secure the border. you have been sitting in the white house, three and a half years, what have you been doing about the border other than laughing about it? these crimes, as if they are not vicious enough come are being continuously repeated. the same creditors, for example, the one who raped the woman, threw her on the ground, while his buddy, talk about aiding and abetting, took a metal pipe to her boyfriend, just got out of prison for rape two months earlier, all right? and right before that, same

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young guy, he is 24 years old, he also was charged with public lewdness in new jersey. these are people -- i know i've got to wrap. these are people who don't belong in this country. >> charlie: is there anyway that harris can spin this? >> dana: all of that brings us to her record as vice president, so all of the things she said she would do happened, because a biden put them forward. 94 exec it orders but recently her team is distancing herself from biden. asked about that, karine jean-pierre said, actually, biden has been biden's partner on everything and kamala was the last person biden spoke to before he made the decision on people in afghanistan. biden's team is not going to let her go away quietly, either. >> charlie: you couldn't predict criminals would come into the country with open borders beards. >> greg: it's like a reese's peanut butter cup of preventable

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misery. i don't see this as a political issue, i never have. it's an issue of boundaries and civil life. if you look at crime, if you look at the border, if you look at biology, if you express concern over the loss of boundaries in any issue, you are perceived as being oppressive. it's how you get an open border and end cash bail, explicit books in middle school, trans surgeries on kids, look at each one of them, it is about the removal of limits. this is why the democrats in the mainstream media cannot cover this story that we cover all the time. it's because they believe that somehow boundaries are an affront to their higher morality. it is now a right-wing thing to say there is something wrong here. i mean, shouldn't we establish some limits? then you have to weigh the benefits of tackling that problem versus the risk of agreeing with trump. so they would much rather let people suffer then be seen on

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the side of orange hitler. >> charlie: the great respecter of boundaries. >> greg: you know it, buddy. i always ask for consent with you, charlie. >> charlie: stop. now this is weird. the media is trying to turn deployment-dodging tim walz into a symbol of masculinity. that's next. ♪ ♪ i love my brand new bike! having a set of custom wheels gives kids like me and me the ability to do things

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♪ ♪ >> greg: first he stole valor and now he is stealing -- the idiots at bloomberg turned to hype up the manly features of a man who put tampons in little boys rooms. check out this headline, tim walz masculinity is terrifying republicans. they argue that kamala's running mate embodies a qualities republicans value, does not fear

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women, black people, or the future. dana, it's a hilarious premise to trust in terms of defining masculinity. a party that can't define a women, who think men should participate in women's sports. they have, this is, the reason why they are doing this is because men are fleeing their party. >> dana: there is a gender gap, that's for sure. women are more reliable voters -- >> greg: that's true. >> dana: maybe they have something there. i do think rich lowry from national review had a good line. walz is an msnbc commentators idea of a folksy politician who can appeal to middle america. if you think of bad california policies, he tried to bring them all to minnesota, and i think when j.d. vance has a chance to debate him, it will be really good. >> greg: you know, judge, he praised the pro-hitler imam as a master teacher. >> judge jeanine: their

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amazing thing is there is nothing masculine about stolen vascular. there is nothing masculine about pretty much ditching our battalion before they go to iraq. and nothing masculine about saying let's put tampons in the boys bathroom. i'm not going to waste a lot of time. he is the opposite of what i consider masculine man. >> greg: harold, i will say he is asking them but he is no randi weingarten. [laughter] >> harold: i don't believe men can participate in women's sports. i think the power of walz is there is something about him, something warm and authentic about him that people like. he was a teacher, he was a coach. i had my family member who leans a little more right to talk about how he looked like a neighbor of there is. >> greg: so did ted bundy. >> harold: these are the kinds of things that when we hear from him, i think we are going to get even more of this. i don't know if i would have called it what the bloomberg columnist did but i think there

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is something that is resonating with voters that seems to be early in their favor. >> greg: these joyous stories and masculine stories, reporters no longer like to do reporting. so they do these puff pieces and they are just lazy -- charlie, he abandoned the police precinct. during the riots. that is really masculine. >> charlie: or this "washington post" headline: "masculinity's check engine light is on. let tim walz have a look." >> greg: since when were they promo masculinity anyway. >> charlie: it's gone from toxic masculinity to tonic masculinity. it is really freaking weird. but i think it is because they are a party of box checkers. this guy lid wears a camo hat so he is masculine, and then they don't ever go back and check whether or not there is anything behind it, any muscles behind the masculinity. >> greg: one thing for sure,

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he loves men, chaining his service in the military. ahead, one of the biggest nonpolitical debates in america is next. ♪ ♪ [coughing] copd isn't pretty. i'm out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ♪ ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing,

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♪ ♪ >> harold: let's take a break from arguing about politics and settle this common household fight: what's the best way to load a dishwasher? charlie, how do you loaded? >> charlie: with my hands. you want to know where the dishwasher is in my family? it's right here, i do them all by hand feared and i actually love doing it. i am a very, very meticulous dishwasher. >> judge jeanine: what do you mean you do it by hand? >> charlie: i don't use a dishwasher. >> harold: do you do a house call? judge? by hand or dishwasher? >> judge jeanine: dishwasher unless it is pots and pans p or i can clean a pop better than new. >> harold: peter and you? >> dana: we have a big argument about this constantly because he is great about helping out, he does a lot of the putting, he has a very specific method. than if i do it, the dishwasher is not ready to be turned on, he comes in and i see him redoing it, and it absolutely irritates me.

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it has to be a certain way, eace is a place for everything and everything in its place. >> judge jeanine: up or down? >> dana: down. because when you take them out -- >> judge jeanine: but there is more -- >> harold: i put forks up. i know this is something that goes on -- >> greg: the best way to load a dishwasher, i usually just ask them to jump in the bed of the pickup truck. a big it would say. [laughter] best way to wash the dishes is the same way you do your laundry, surrender to the wife. stopnot saying the wife should o it, but when you do it, you are always accused of doing it wro wrong, and my wife always ends up redoing everything that i do, whether the dishes, and especially doing the laundry, my wife believes she is inherently better, more detailed, patient, more orderly, so i just choose to do the things that require brute strength.

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>> judge jeanine: like what? >> harold: take out the trash? >> judge jeanine: why would you give them the answer? >> greg: i take out the trash and i bring in the trash. >> harold: dana, peter brings out the trash? >> dana: always. in my marriage of tony seven years, taking out the trash five times may be when he out of town. >> harold: do you? >> charlie: still do. >> greg: my wife still believes in recycling and i can't break her of that habit. it goes to the same place. >> judge jeanine: yes, it does. >> harold: we have come together. >> judge jeanine: you didn't ask me -- >> harold: i did, you answered first. ♪ ♪

9:53 pm

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. >> i am now to leave the democratic nominee. so now we got some work to do. the democratic national convention, starting august 19 on fox news channel, america is watching. >> time now for one more thing. oh, do we have a show tonight? 10 p.m.. look at this angle that i'm doing. michael loftis, michelle tafoya, kat timpf entire is hey, let's do this. >> okay, one. all right. all the instructions are in its title. guess the animal sounds. i want to play an animal sound. i'm going to go around the horn here and figure out if anybody knows what it is. >> let's play the sound. all right. we'll start with you, judge cricket. crickets. a frog. a frog to frog. tree. frog. bullfrog. frog. the answer. shall we play the video for

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fox? says it is. well, a toad. it's a toad at the shed somewhere here in chicago. it's a toad, harold. and told it. and that is it. that is a frog. >> it's a toad. and call it the frog. >> anyway, i don't really care. it's just fun. all right, i will go. i had a little news one day. the baby brigade continues, and. no, it's not me. look at this one. this is sullivan also named sully. >> this is percy's son. okay. and there they are together. and my friend kelly cervelli of the little point bookshop picked him up last monday. super cute dog is going to be there in point pleasant beach. you can see a nice little mary nielsen with him, a great dog and good experience. we think the two g's of latrobe, pennsylvania, for helping us get this experience. >> super cute. >> no judge. okay, talk about downward dog. this is sharman, who's an english cream retriever service dog, and it just found a new obsession lines. sharman was scared of going

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down to first but was all tail wags so smiles once he and mom got to the bottom. i think it's safe to say you couldn't wait for round two when i'm on hannity tonight. >> so they're right. >> for the record, there was a three way tie for when dana, charlie all said frog. >> yeah thing of the dog everyone gets a medal absolutely hammer wants to do go ahead have your participation this squirrel, a 19 year old pilot, is attempting to become the youngest person to fly solo to all seven continents. why, ethan, go has a goal of raising $1,000,000 to fight childhood cancer. of course, during his expedition, the team plans to cover 50,000 miles in 100 days, with stops in more than 60 countries, multiple companies are sponsoring his expedition, including where i'm from, memphis based st jude children's research hospital, which i think is the most important hospital for children. >> two words that shouldn't go together. harold teen pilot joe charlie heard we have an entire minute for you. >> this is amazing.

10:00 pm

i think this is the first time i've ever actually had a minute. yeah, that's really cool. >> and this is a really good one. but don't waste for a little nature. and you're in brooklyn. go to the near your nearest fire hydrant. around 100 goldfish. you've been spotted swimming in a puddle next to a leaky fire hydrant, next to a sign that reads, please do not touch or take our fish. it's for observation only. you're being watched. the group keeping watch over the puddle plans to remove the fish in the fall and give it to a neighbor neighborhood. children before restarting the sidewalk fish bowl next spring. it's only a matter of time before some insufferable do gooders are probably going to complain about this fire hydrant. >> what? what? why? >> for fun. it's beautiful. would you. are you going to go over to brooklyn and check it out? i think i might. i think i have a couple. you need a passport to get to brooklyn. i think you do. i wouldn't get very far to get over there. anyway. wonderful show today, everybody. we have so much time for me to wrap it up. o it's been a great night.ight >> thanks, everybody

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Dana Perino, Greg Gutfeld, Jesse Watters, Jeanine Pirro and a rotating host discuss and debate hot issues across the spectrum, from politics to pop culture; the hosts also conclude each show with the "One More Thing" segment.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.