The Big Con The Big Con: Rad collectibles and achievements guide [ENG] (2024)

Table of Contents
Brief Guide Content Codes And Combinations ㅤ• Suitcase Codes ㅤ• Door Codes Achievements Story Achievements Optional Achievements (Instant) - In Lisbon: ㅤ• The Big Cornucopia ㅤ• The Taking Candy From A Baby - In Mallton Mall: ㅤ• The Legitimate Hustle - In Hormliner Express: ㅤ• Lorgo And The Flungus ㅤ• That's A Good Flungus ㅤ• The Dusty Toss - In Las Venganza: ㅤ• The Protectionist ㅤ• The Fraudster ㅤ• The Flin Flon Flimflam ㅤ• The Watcher - In Perdido: ㅤ• The Heatstroke Hallucination - In Las Venganza (Revisited): ㅤ• Third Time's A Flungus - In Huxor Casino: ㅤ• The Giant Block Of Horm ㅤ• The Huxtor's Finest ㅤ• The Old Switcheroo - Rad Skater Achievements: ㅤ• A Rad Achievement ㅤ• A Radder Achievement ㅤ• The Raddest Achievement Ever Optional Achievements (Stepwise) - In Lisbon: ㅤ• The Joker ㅤ• The Big Sneak ㅤ• The Tape Never Lies ㅤ• The Best Friend Shuffle - In Mallton: ㅤ• The Smoker ㅤ• The Skater ㅤ• The Truth ㅤ• The Periwinkle Takeover ㅤ• The Three Kids In A Trench Coat - In Hormliner Express: ㅤ• The Lover ㅤ• The Squeaky Stranger Collectible Achievements ㅤ• Sticky Fingers [x8] ㅤ• The Film Buff ㅤ• The Collector's Gambit ㅤ• The Last Minute Birthday Party Collectible Items - In Lisbon: ㅤ• Stickers [4] ㅤ• VHS Tape [1] ㅤ• Collector's Items [4] - In Mallton: ㅤ• Stickers [6] ㅤ• VHS Tape [1] ㅤ• Collector's Items [4] ㅤ• Burblos [2] - In Midlands Hormliner: ㅤ• Stickers [5] ㅤ• VHS Tape [1] ㅤ• Collector's Items [4] ㅤ• Burblo [1] - In Las Venganza: ㅤ• Stickers [5] ㅤ• VHS Tape [1] ㅤ• Collector's Items [4] ㅤ• Burblo [1] ㅤ• Fanny Packs [3] - In Perdido: ㅤ• Stickers [2] ㅤ• VHS Tape [1] - In Las Venganza (Revisted): ㅤ• Stickers [5] ㅤ• VHS Tape [1] ㅤ• Collector's Items [5] ㅤ• Burblo [1] - In Casino: ㅤ• Stickers [5] ㅤ• Collector's Items [4] More The Big Con guilds

Brief Guide Content

Suitcase and door codes

Story Achievements

Optional achievements (Instant: require one action or are completed in one location)

Optional Achievements (Stepwise: Requires multiple actions on multiple levels)

Collectible items locations

Codes And Combinations

ㅤ• Suitcase Codes

Place Code Location Lisbon 452 Mallton 629 Hormliner Express 322 Las Venganza 146 Las Venganza (Revisited) 682 Casino 777

ㅤ• Door Codes

Place Code Location Locked door with The Golden Burblo in Mallton 6537 Hormliner Express 7425 Las Venganza's Room 21 Rusted Springs 5403 Las Venganza's Room 22 Rusted Springs 7453 Las Venganza's Safe code 7300 Las Venganza's (Revisited) Casino door 5583


Story Achievements

The First TimerThe Bandcamp Bait 'n SwitchThe ChangebreakerThe Burblo BoondoggleThe Hormliner HustleThe Kabaczky ConfusionThe Desert DialtoneThe Suit-Up SurpriseThe Casino Case-OutThe Big Con


Who knew it could be this easy?Achieved in Lisbon after getting able to pickpocket and trying it for the fist time

Got on a bus to save your video store from loan sharks.Achieved in Lisbon after getting on the bus with Ted

Learned how to make something out of nothing with a little changebreaking magic.Achieved in Mallton after gaining a skill of changebreaking

Grabbed enough money for a train ticket.Achieved in Mallton after finishing the level

Conned more money than Ted on your way up the train.Achieved in The Hormliner after finishing the level

Stole a lot of money from... the Kabaczkys.Achieved in Las Venganza after finishing the level

Took a wrong turn in the desert and found a little guidance.Achieved in Perdido after finishing the level

Snuck your way into a casino, dressed for success.Achieved in Las Venganza (Revisited) after finishing the level

Saved Linda's Video from Ricky.Achieved in Casino after finishing the level

Finished your adventure and told your mom everything.Achieved in Lisbon (Returned) after finishing the level and the game

Optional Achievements (Instant)

- In Lisbon:

ㅤ• The Big Cornucopia

The Big Cornucopia

Helped the grocer remember the old days. Description Location Come to the Grocery Store's outer wall. The Big Mural represented on it is a clue Go inside the Grocery Store and interact with the products from the Mural in the given order

ㅤ• The Taking Candy From A Baby

The Taking Candy From A Baby

Like taking candy from a baby...'s over protective mom. Description Location After you get able to pickpocket, steal the woman's money

- In Mallton Mall:

ㅤ• The Legitimate Hustle

The Legitimate Hustle

Rewound tapes for money and earned back everything they took from you. [To get the achievement, get busted 3 times in Mallton Mall] To get busted, fail pickpocketing or any other interaction.

- In Hormliner Express:

ㅤ• Lorgo And The Flungus

Lorgo And The Flungus

Learned about how the stock market works. [This achievements is needed to get Third Time's a Flungus achievement while Revisited Las Venganza] DescriptionLocationTalk to an economist to learn some stock tips

ㅤ• That's A Good Flungus

That's A Good Flungus

Helped a well-meaning stockbroker with a thoroughly-researched tip. [This achievements is needed to get Third Time's a Flungus achievement while Revisited Las Venganza] DescriptionLocationTalk to an economist to learn some stock tipsAfter talking to the economist, take his papersTake the pen from the bar after purchasing anything from the bartenderConvince a stockholder with the correct answers according to the economist's lesson:

Just pay attention to the Flungus

Market Smurge


Lorgo's Quadrilateral Coefficient

Unsecured night trade in SALT After the stockholder asks for proof, at some point, the character will automatically combine a pen and a newspaper in the inventoryCome back to the stockholder to prove your point

ㅤ• The Dusty Toss

The Dusty Toss

Was politely asked to leave a moving train. [To get the achievement, get busted 3 times in Hormliner Express] To get busted, fail pickpocketing or any other interaction, or just pull the stop lever.

- In Las Venganza:

ㅤ• The Protectionist

The Protectionist

Became friends with Murray, while he shook people down in Las Venganza. DescriptionLocationTo become friends with Murray, you must ask his questions correctly.

He likes: to talk with people he trusts, cigars, bass guitar, record players (vinyl records), the Gracles sport team

He hates: guital solos

He used to play defense [Optional]

Murray will appreciate if you get him a cigar before talking to him, but to lean that fact you should spy on him first

ㅤ• The Fraudster

The Fraudster

Stole some wallets for Myrna. Wonder what she's gonna do with those... DescriptionLocationYou can find Myrna in front of the Rusted Springs after stealing the shoes for either Shoe Guy or Sneaky Dee. She'll ask you to pickpocket 5 licences

ㅤ• The Flin Flon Flimflam

The Flin Flon Flimflam

Stole an out-of-state drivers license from some guy from Saskatchewan. DescriptionLocationWhile doing Myrna's task [see above], find a licence of Saskatchewan's man, a green-haired man wearing glasses and a blue t-shirt. He's just right in front of Lil Angel Wedding Chapel

ㅤ• The Watcher

The WatcherThe First Way.The Second Way.

Got a Gold Fanny Pack for Dan as a thanks for spying on the locals. DescriptionLocationFind Dan in the parking lot near the arrival point. He'll ask you to bring him a gold fanny pack in exchange for information. There are two ways to obtain the requested item. Get back to Dan and give him one of the fanny packs after you're done

Steal it from a guy in the nearest Bean Spirit after spying on him

1. Grab a gold spray paint near the arrival point.

2. Steal a Cheap Fanny Pack from Big Steal Thrift Store.

3. At some point, the character will combine the fanny pack and the spray paint in the inventory.

- In Perdido:

ㅤ• The Heatstroke Hallucination

The Heatstroke HallucinationWrong

Got lost and found the worst place on earth. DescriptionLocationWhile in the Desert for the first time, always choose the way*, so you'll get lost and see a mirage of Linda's Store

*The right way:

↑ → ← ↑ → ← →

- In Las Venganza (Revisited):

ㅤ• Third Time's A Flungus

Third Time's A FlungusStocks

Honestly, we just wanted you to hear the word Flungus one more time. [It's needed to get Lorgo and the Flungus and That's a Good Flungus achievements first] DescriptionLocationWhen trying to get into the Huxor Casino through the main entrance tell the guard that you are a millionaire who made your fortune in

- In Huxor Casino:

ㅤ• The Giant Block Of Horm

The Giant Block Of Horm

Used a hideous block of processed meat to make someone laugh. DescriptionLocationGet 1000$ and talk to Casino's cashier to get a changebreak (failed)Go to the Casino's kitchen and find a Horm MaskTake on the mask and then get back to the cashier to make another attempt of changebreak cheating

ㅤ• The Huxtor's Finest

The Huxtor's Finest

Got caught once too many times in the Huxtor. [To get the achievement, get busted 3 times in Huxtor Casino] To get busted, fail pickpocketing or any other interaction, or get caught by Ricky.

ㅤ• The Old Switcheroo

The Old Switcheroo

Took Ted's briefcase without participating in his contest. DescriptionLocationAfter Ted goes down to the first floor, talk to him and accept the contestDon't try to beat him, just go to the bar and take someone else's briefcaseReplace the briefcase with money held by Ted's assistant with an empty briefcaseWait for Ted at the piano

- Rad Skater Achievements:

The Rad Skater achievements are obtained at any level where there are the Rad Skater slot machine:

Mallton Mall

Hormliner Express

Las Venganza

Las Venganza Revisited

If you feel stuck with the achievements, there is an option which disables collision damage which you can find in the settings and enable at will.

ㅤ• A Rad Achievement

A Rad Achievement

Get a Rad Skater Score of over 3500.

ㅤ• A Radder Achievement

A Radder Achievement

Get a Rad Skater Score of over 8000.

ㅤ• The Raddest Achievement Ever


Get a Rad Skater Score of over 15000.

Optional Achievements (Stepwise)

- In Lisbon:

ㅤ• The Joker

The Joker

Coached a comedian for his big stage show, but respectfully did not attend. [Lisbon - Mallton - Hormliner - Las Venganza] DescriptionLocationAfter you get able to pickpocket, talk to the comedian in the Grocery StoreAfter entering Mallton Mall, meet the comedian in the upper right corner of the Mall near Oki Toys StoreTalk to the comedian in Hormliner ExpressFind the comedian near De Lancie's and talk to him to receive a ticket to his showGo to the Theatre and sell a ticket ro somebody elseYou an also find him in Lisbon after coming back, however, you will obtain the achievement earlier

ㅤ• The Big Sneak

The Big SneakCall The Weird Shoe Guy

Got way too deep in the underground shoe game. [Lisbon - Mallton - Hormliner - Las Venganza] DescriptionLocationAfter leaving the room in Lisbon, open the suitcase behind the building to start new quest line

Code: 452 While in Mallton, and tell him what you've learnt in Lisbon

I'm unsure that this is the only one correct option but, as for me, the correct answer is The shoes fly like eagles at midnight Find shoe polish in the coded car in Hormliner ExpressPut shoe polish in the trash bin in Hormliner's cargoFind Shoe Guy inside De Lancie's and talk to him so he'll ask you to rob Sneaky Dee's apartment in Rusted Springs and bring him her shoesHer Room is 21, Rusted Springs.

Code: 5403 Come back to him when the job is done

ㅤ• The Tape Never Lies

The Tape Never Lies

Called Mari from the road and played it real cool. [Lisbon - Mallton] DescriptionLocationTalk to Mari before leaving Lisbon while she's standing inside the gazeboWhile in Mallton, call Mari

ㅤ• The Best Friend Shuffle

The Best Friend Shuffle

Called Mari from the road and she actually picked up this time. [Lisbon - Mallton (?) - Hormliner (?) Las Venganza (?) - Las Venganza Revisited (?)] DescriptionLocationTalk to Mari before leaving Lisbon while she's standing inside the gazeboWhile in Mallton, call Mari

[You'll get an achievement "The Tape Never Lies"]

(Probably optional)Call Mari after being kicked off the Hormliner train

(Probably optional)Call Mari from Las Venganza

(Probably optional)In Las Venganza Revisited, Call Mari and she will finally pick up the phone

- In Mallton:

ㅤ• The Smoker

The Smoker

Taught a smoker that smoking isn't cool, but giving money to strangers is. [Mallton - Hormliner - Las Venganza - Casino] DescriptionLocationMeet the smoker in the parking lot in MalltonMeet the smoker once again in Hormliner ExpressMeet the smoker inside De Lancie'sMeet the smoker in the Casino

ㅤ• The Skater

The Skater Challenged an adventurer and won... sort of? [Mallton - Hormliner Outside - Las Venganza - Las Venganza Revisited] DescriptionLocationThe first challenge in Mallton Mall

[Goal: 350 scores]The second challenge inside Videoville afer being kicked off the train

[Goal: 800 scores]The third challenge inside De Lancie's in Las Venganza

[Goal: 1600 scores]The last challenge inside De Lancie's in Las Venganza (Revisited)

[Goal: 1800 scores]

ㅤ• The Truth

The Truth

Told your mom the truth, it's her fault if she doesn't believe you, right? [Mallton - Hormliner Outside - Las Venganza - Perdido Desert - Las Venganza Revisited - Casino] DescriptionLocationCall mom from MelltonCall mom from the train station after being kicked out off HormlinerCall mom from Las VenganzaCall mom from Perdido's Desert after completing the mazeCall mom from Las Venganza once againCall mom from Casino. Tell heer the truth

ㅤ• The Periwinkle Takeover

The Periwinkle Takeover Witnessed a town of people wear the next great fashion craze. [Mallton - Las Venganza - Las Venganza (Revisited) - Lisbon (Returned)] DescriptionLocationTalk to Purple-skinned girl inside the clothing store in MalltonTalk to Purle-skinned girl inside Big Steal Thrift StoreTalk to Purle-skinned girl inside une Jolie Femme fashion houseCome back to Lisbon

ㅤ• The Three Kids In A Trench Coat

The Three Kids In A Trench Coat

[Mallton - Hormliner - Las Venganza - Las Venganza (Revisited) - Casino] DescriptionLocationAfter getting Golden Burblo [see Burblo locations in Mallton], Big Daddy appears for the first time. Give Burblo to himAfter getting Burblo Wizard outside the Hormliner, give it to Big Daddy in cargoIn Las Venganza, talk to upset dad first, then Big Daddy appears. Bring Stressed Burblo to Big Daddy [see Burblo location in Las Venganza]In Las Venganza (Revisited), talk to upset dad first, then Big Daddy appears. Bring Disco Broccoli to him [see Burblo location in Las Venganza Revisited]In Casino, go to the kitchen and talk to childrenIn Casino, knock on the mysterious door to meet a stranger

- In Hormliner Express:

ㅤ• The Lover

The Lover

Helped reunite two distant lovers, even if one of them was kinda annoying. [Hormliner - Las Venganza - Las Venganza (Revisited) - Casino] DescriptionLocationMeet an obsessed stranger in the trainMeet the stranger on the alley near the heart statue in Las VenganzaIn Las Venganza (Revisited), meet the stranger in the northwest Bean SpiritMeet Josie on the alley near the heart statue.

Correct direction:

Bean Spirit behind the Casino Meet a couple later in the Casino

ㅤ• The Squeaky Stranger

The Squeaky Stranger

Helped a strange, cheese-obsessed person find a connection in this crazy, mixed-up world. [Hormliner - Las Venganza - Perdido - Las Venganza (Revisited) - Lisbon (Returned)] DescriptionLocationMeet an awkward girl in Hormliner's cargoMeet the girl again in Las Venganza hidden behind the Wall Facet between the Big Steal Thrift Store and Pawn ShopMeet the girl behind the motel in PerdidoMeet the girl in the passage in Las Venganza (Revisited)Meet the girl in Lisbon (Returned)

Collectible Achievements

ㅤ• Sticky Fingers [x8]

Sticky Fingers LisbonSticky Fingers MalltonSticky Fingers Midlands HormlinerSticky Fingers Las VenganzaSticky Fingers PerdidoSticky Fingers Las Venganza RevistedSticky Fingers CasinoThe Stickiest Situation


Found some additions to your sticker collection in your home town.

Found some additions to your sticker collection in a huge mall.

Found some additions to your sticker collection on a moving train.

Found some additions to your sticker collection in a big city.

Found some additions to your sticker collection in a weird desert. Revisted

Found some MORE additions to your sticker collection in a big city.

Found some additions to your sticker collection in a bustling casino.

Show a complete sticker collection to a fellow collector at the end of the game.

ㅤ• The Film Buff

The Film Buff

Found 6 VHS tapes hidden throughout the game. DescriptionLocationCollect all the VHS tapes through the levelSee VHS locations below in the guideGo to the Las Venganza's (Revisited) Theatre and talk to the ticket taker

ㅤ• The Collector's Gambit

The Collector's Gambit

Met the collector and added to his collection. What does he do with this stuff? [Collect all Rarities including a VHS tape at any level and sell them to Collector]

ㅤ• The Last Minute Birthday Party

The Last Minute Birthday Party

Helped the collector realize he's kind of a cool guy. DescriptionLocationObtain 4 rare items that bring good luck [see Casino Rarities] and bring them to Collector hiding behind the door on the second floor of Casino

Collectible Items

- In Lisbon:

ㅤ• Stickers [4]

Description Location Lisbon Luggage Jeff's Ice Cream Moon Girl Yums!

ㅤ• VHS Tape [1]

Description Location From Husk 'Til Dawn

ㅤ• Collector's Items [4]

Description Location Corn Acorn Old Candy Corn Cornflower

- In Mallton:

ㅤ• Stickers [6]

DescriptionLocationMallton LuggageHormsliceMallton CaterpillarCocoBrotanRad G

ㅤ• VHS Tape [1]

DescriptionLocationAlien Beach Baby inside Videoville

ㅤ• Collector's Items [4]

DescriptionLocationPlastic LeiPineapple pizza

[by talking to a cashier]Coconut

[by kicking the palm]Sandal Keychain

[by pickpocketing]

ㅤ• Burblos [2]

DescriptionLocationPlain BurbloGolden Burblo

[the code is required]

Code: 6537

- In Midlands Hormliner:

ㅤ• Stickers [5]

DescriptionLocationStonks BullKarate FrogTrain LuggageMissing Cow?Stamp

ㅤ• VHS Tape [1]

DescriptionLocationBack to the Pasture

ㅤ• Collector's Items [4]

DescriptionLocationCowbellGlass of Old Milk

[Bought at the bar]Cow purseCow Keychain

[By pickpocketing]

ㅤ• Burblo [1]

DescriptionLocationBurblo Wizard

[Behind the train station. Must be kicked off the train to get it]

- In Las Venganza:

ㅤ• Stickers [5]

DescriptionLocationCooldogLas Venganza LuggageFake ParisBoyband [Inside Pawn Shop]Bean Spirit [Inside north-west Bean Spirit]

ㅤ• VHS Tape [1]

DescriptionLocationSecret Aging Man

[Inside Videoville, ask the cashier until the secret option appears]

ㅤ• Collector's Items [4]

To get rarities on this level, ypu need to ask the cashiers about menu until the "Secret Menu" option appears. DescriptionLocationCigarette in a coffee

[Inside De Lancie's]Cornchunkaccino

[Iside south east Bean Spirit]Homspresso Surprise

[Iside nord west Bean Spirit]Blue La'Goon

[Iside nord east Bean Spirit]

ㅤ• Burblo [1]

DescriptionLocationStressed Burblo

[Near Caasino]

ㅤ• Fanny Packs [3]

DescriptionLocationCheap Fanny Pack

[Inside Big Steal Thrift Store]Golden Fanny Pack

[Inside south east Bean Spirit after spying on a rich man]Platinum Fanny Pack

[Inside une Jolie Femme fashion house]

- In Perdido:

ㅤ• Stickers [2]

Description Location Cactus Perdido Luggage

ㅤ• VHS Tape [1]


DescriptionLocationMoon Girl

While in the Desert for the first time, always choose the way*, so you'll get lost and finally see a mirage of Linda's Store. Go inside and interact with the shelf.

*The right way:

↑ → ← ↑ → ← →

- In Las Venganza (Revisted):

ㅤ• Stickers [5]

DescriptionLocationBananaLa Jolie Pricetag

[Inside une Jolie Femme fashion house]SPACE

[In the Theatre]Column Seal of Approval

[In the northwest Hotel]CATS

ㅤ• VHS Tape [1]

DescriptionLocationCrazed and Bemused

[Inside Videoville]

ㅤ• Collector's Items [5]

DescriptionLocationGarbage Birthday Cake

[Near De Lancie's]Candles

[Inside De Lancie's]Balloon

[Inside the southeast Bean Spirit]Birthday Card

[By pickpocketing a kid near the southeast Bean Spirit]Birthday Candles

ㅤ• Burblo [1]

DescriptionLocationDisco Broccoli

[In front of the southwest Hotel, if you sneak through the hedge and go around the building]

- In Casino:

ㅤ• Stickers [5]

DescriptionLocationMonstrosaReverse MermanCasino LuggageCool SRicky's Whiskey

ㅤ• Collector's Items [4]

DescriptionLocationManeki-nekoRoom 777Foot of RabitLucky Penny

The Big Con The Big Con: Rad collectibles and achievements guide [ENG] (1)


More The Big Con guilds

  • All Guilds
  • Ultimate Guide to The Big Con: GRIFT OF THE YEAR Achievements!
  • The Big Con
  • Suitcase Code
The Big Con The Big Con: Rad collectibles and achievements guide [ENG] (2024)
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Author: Duane Harber

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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.