OSRS Rogues' Den Guide - Rune Fanatics (2024)

Table of Contents

  • How To Get There
  • Entry Requirements
  • NPCs
    • Brian O'Richard
    • Martin Thwait
    • Emerald Benedict
    • Grace
  • Services/Notable Locations
  • Rogues' Den Maze
    • Rogue's Outfit
    • Grace's Graceful Clothing
    • Graceful outfit
  • Martin Thwait's Lost and Found
  • Benedict Bank
  • Neverending Fire
  • Waiting Room Wall Safes
  • FAQs
    • Question: Should I play the Rogues' Den minigame after getting the complete Rogue's outfit?
    • Question: What are the best Thieving and Agility levels to be at before playing the Rogues; Den minigame?
    • Question: Why can't I recolor my Graceful outfit at Grace's Graceful Clothing?
  • Conclusion

Making money inRunescape back in the day wasn’t easy. We had no Grand Exchange where we could instantly sell any tradeable item in the game. Instead, you had to camp out back of Varrock East Bank, spamming “Flash2: Bank sale!” and hope someone around wanted to buy what you were selling. Then I became a member and heard about the Thieving skill.

Do you mean to tell me that there’s a skill that puts cash straight into my pocket? Just like that? Then call me Swiper because I’m about to do some swiping. I’ve got gold-trimmed Black armour to buy.

I started with the basic pickpocketing and stall stealing, but my Thieving exploits eventually took me to the Rogues’ Den. Ihad no idea what to expect. It turns out the Rogues’ Den is a must-visit for any aspiring thief.

Keep a set of eyes in the back of your head and clutch your wallet a little tighter because we’re going to the Rogues’ Den.

How To Get There

The easiest way to get to the Rogues’ Den is using the Games Room teleport on the games necklace to get to Burthorpe Games Room. From there, head slightly southeast to The Toad and the Chicken Pub. The ladder leading into the Rogues’ Den is in the Pub.

OSRS Rogues' Den Guide - Rune Fanatics (1)

Alternatively, you can use the combat bracelet to teleport to the Warriors’ Guild and run east to The Toad and the Chicken Pub. However, recharging dragonstone jewellery is a bit of a hassle, and the games necklace is much cheaper.

Entry Requirements

Skyrim could sure take a page out of the Jagex playbook. Unlike the guilds of Skyrim, like the College of Winterhold, which will let someone who doesn’t even use magic become the leader of their order, you actually have to be a proficient thief before you can get inside the Rogues’ Den. Specifically, you need a minimum of level 50 in ThievingandAgility.

The Agility requirement may come as a surprise, but to be fair, it makes sense. You can’t exactly be a pickpocket or make a swift getaway after a heist if you’re clumsy. Getting up your Agility should be at the top of your account priority list, so it works out all the same.

Once you have level 50 Thieving and Agility, make your way to the Rogues’ Den ASAP.


Brian O’Richard

OSRS Rogues' Den Guide - Rune Fanatics (2)

Brian is the guy in the snazzy suit, and he’s the man you’ll want to speak to once inside the Rogues’ Den. Brian manages the Rogues’ Den minigame, and you need to talk to him to play.

Martin Thwait

OSRS Rogues' Den Guide - Rune Fanatics (3)

Martin runs the General Store down in the Rogues’ Den. He’s also the NPC that sells the Thieving Cape and Hood to players who have reached level 99.

Emerald Benedict

OSRS Rogues' Den Guide - Rune Fanatics (4)

Emerald Benedict is in the southwest part of the Rogues’ Den and runs a bank. After all, a thief’s pockets can only hold so much.


OSRS Rogues' Den Guide - Rune Fanatics (5)

The fourth and final NPC in the Rogues’ Den is Grace. She runs a store called Grace’s Graceful Clothing and is the NPC who sells the Graceful Outfit. She also sells packs of amylase crystals.

Services/Notable Locations

Rogues’ Den Maze

The highlight of the Rogues’ Den and one of the two primary reasons for going here is the Maze.

To enter the Maze, speak with Brian. You can’t have anything equipped or in your inventory before Brian allows you inside the Maze. He will give you a mystic jewel, which lets you leave the Maze whenever you want, then sends you on your way.

The Maze is full of an assortment of both Thieving and Agility traps and obstacles like floor spikes, spinning blades, and contortion bars. There are also Rogue guards patrolling the Maze.

OSRS Rogues' Den Guide - Rune Fanatics (6)

I strongly recommend you use RuneLite while playing the Rogues’ Den minigame. There’s a plugin that trivializes the minigame, which allows you to get a complete Rogue outfit as quickly as possible. The plugin tells you where to and not to step and the optimal path for navigating the Maze.

Some traps are considered dangerous obstacles. Failing at any of these or getting caught by a Rogue guard will boot you out of the Maze. Disarming traps and navigating through obstacles will lower your Thieving and Agility levels by one each time, respectively. If either your Thieving or Agility reaches zero, you will receive a boot from the Maze. Consider sipping a dose of a stamina potion and eating a bite of summer pie before entering the Maze.

OSRS Rogues' Den Guide - Rune Fanatics (7)

If you successfully make it through the Maze, you will be able to crack one of the eight wall safes in the central chamber. These wall safes have a chance of giving you Rogue’s equipment crates, each of which contains one piece of Rogue equipment. The wall safe might also drop a Rogue kit which is pretty useless. You can use a Rogue kit to give yourself a spade, rope, chisel, or tinderbox.

There’s a chance that you will fail to crack the wall safe. If this happens, a trap will trigger and boot you to the beginning of the Maze. You can’t win them all.

If you have the bare minimum of level 50 Thieving and Agility, getting a complete Rogue outfit should take no longer than two hours. If your Thieving and Agility levels are somewhere in the 70s-80s, you can get this done in as little as 30 minutes.

Rogue’s Outfit

OSRS Rogues' Den Guide - Rune Fanatics (8)

Each piece of the Rogue’s outfit gives you a 20% chance of getting double loot from successful NPC pickpockets. If you have the complete set, that’s a 100% chance.

Several recommended training methods to level 99 Thieving, like Elves or Ardougne knights, can net you considerable profit. You have no reason not to get the Rogue’s outfit before settling into that grind.

The outfit also looks pretty dang cool with a thieving bag.

Grace’s Graceful Clothing

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The Rogues’ Den was already a pretty sweet place thanks to the Rogue’s outfit alone, but an update in OSRS made this place an even bigger priority. I’m talking about Grace’s Graceful Clothing.

While training Agility via rooftop courses, you will receive marks of grace. Always pick these up, as these are the currency used in Grace’s Graceful Clothing. You can use them to purchase pieces of the Graceful outfit.

After you have a complete set of Graceful, you can use any leftover marks of grace to buy amylase packs. Each pack contains 100 amylase crystals, which sell for 1.1K GP each on the Grand Exchange. Amylase crystals are one of the ingredients needed to make stamina potions.

Graceful outfit

OSRS Rogues' Den Guide - Rune Fanatics (10)

The Graceful outfit iseasilythe single most valuable equipment set in OSRS. It doesn’t matter whether you like skilling, PVMing, or questing; whatever your preference, you’ll be running around Gielinor. A lot. That takes up energy. In other words, you’ll need a lot of run energy.

Each piece of the Graceful outfit has weight reduction properties. They also give a buff to your run energy restoration rate. Wearing the complete set gives our run energy restoration rate a 30% bonus. Combine this with a dose of a stamina potion, and you won’t be running out of energy anytime soon.

Pieces of equipment like the penance gloves and spottier cape have superior weight reduction effects compared to their Graceful counterparts. However, the Graceful set effect makes Graceful the best option overall.

Trust me; I know how painfully dull it can be to train Agility. It’s one of the reasons why I slack so much on bumping up my second main account. But I can’t emphasize enough the value of the Graceful outfit. It should be one of the first significant grinds you knock out in OSRS.

Martin Thwait’s Lost and Found

OSRS Rogues' Den Guide - Rune Fanatics (11)

Martin’s General Store is one of only several general stores in OSRS that purchase items at their High Alchemy prices. This store comes in handy, especially for Iron Man accounts.

The other general store that comes to mind is the Bandit Duty Free General Store in the Wilderness. Bandit Duty Free isn’t a super hotspot for PKers, but there’s no reason to take that risk when you have a safe alternative.

Martin sells low-level throwing knives, claws, and utility tools. If you have level 99 Thieving, you can purchase a Thieving Cape from the shop.

Benedict Bank

Benedict Bank, or the Bank of Benedict, is just that. A bank. You can access the bank by speaking with Benedict or using the bank chest. You can also interact with the bank deposit box in the corner.

Neverending Fire

OSRS Rogues' Den Guide - Rune Fanatics (12)

Step aside, Amaterasu. Close to Benedict Bank is a fire that never goes out. It’s one of the nearest Cooking spots to a bank in OSRS.

Other locations like the Hosidius cooking range and Lumbridge castle cooking range offer benefits that make them superior to this fire, but if you want to cook as much as possible per hour, this is the place to be. Note: fire does not come with s’mores or campfire horror stories.

Waiting Room Wall Safes

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There are four wall safes in the waiting room of the Rogue’s Den. But unlike the wall safes in the Maze, these aren’t worth your time.

The waiting room wall safes only coin low amounts of coins and low-level uncut gems when cracked. Failing to crack these safes will cause your play to take 2-6 damage from a sprung trap. Getting a stethoscope from Martin will increase your chances of successfully cracking these safes.

Safecracking is awesome in Runescape 3, but these OSRS wall safes aren’t worth your time. There are better ways of training Thieving and getting loot.


Question: Should I play the Rogues’ Den minigame after getting the complete Rogue’s outfit?

Answer:No. The outfit is the only reason you play this minigame. It’s not particularly fun, and it’s not good exp/hour, either.

Question: What are the best Thieving and Agility levels to be at before playing the Rogues; Den minigame?

Answer:If you have level 80 Thieving, you can pick some doors in the Maze that act as shortcuts to the final chamber. But you ideally want the Rogue’s outfit as soon as possible to get double loot from pickpocketing suckers around Gielinor. Starting at level 50 will only make it take an hour and a half or two hours longer max to get a complete set.

Question: Why can’t I recolor my Graceful outfit at Grace’s Graceful Clothing?

Answer:Osten in Shayzien is the NPC that can recolor Graceful outfits. He will do so for 15 marks of grace per piece.


You won’t spend too much time in the Rogues’ Den (Unless you want to roleplay with the Rogues’ Den being your hideout). The Rogue’s outfit is obtainable easily and quickly, and you only need to buy a Graceful set once. Even if you use the fire for Cooking, level 99 Cooking is one of the fastest 99s to achieve, so you’ll be out of here before you know it.

But despite the Rogues’ Den’s lack of staying power, it’s one of the most important places to visit in OSRS. I suppose you can skip over getting the Rogue’s outfit, but you’d be a fool to ignore getting a Graceful set. I tried F2P OSRS, and you run out of steam faster than Slow Stephen from Thomas and Friends.

Agility might be the best quality of life difference between F2P and Members. The Graceful outfit is how you best take advantage of Agility.

That means you’re paying the Rogues’ Den a visit.

If Jagex ever decides to bring a version of the Thieves’ Guild from Runescape 3 over to OSRS, the Rogues’ Den is likely the place they’ll put it. I don’t think that will ever happen; even if that’s the case, the Rogues’ Den is already an MVP.

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Xavier Geitz

Xavier has been playing Runescape for over 15 years. He's had periods of absence like every seasoned Runescape player, but he always came back. Whether it was Varrock General Store wars, sniping every uncut gem in stock, or juking players in Fist of Guthix, Runescape has provided Xavier with endless fond memories. Runescape is an irreplaceable piece of nostalgic goodness that Xavier will play until the end of time.

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OSRS Rogues' Den Guide - Rune Fanatics (2024)


What is the best route to get to Rogue's Den? ›

The quickest way to get there is by using a games necklace to Burthorpe and running south into the bar and down the trapdoor next to the bartender. Or, use the combat bracelet to the Warriors' Guild and run east to the inn.

Where is Rogue's Den osrs? ›

The Rogues' Den is located under the Burthorpe Inn. The quickest way to get there is by using a games necklace to Burthorpe and running south into the bar and down the trapdoor next to the bartender. You can also use the Minigame Group Finder teleport to Burthorpe Games Room, go upstairs, then run south.

Is the thieving outfit worth it? ›

To get the most out of thieving, players should obtain the Rogues Outfit from the Rogues Den minigame. Wearing the outfit gives you a chance of getting double loot when pickpocketing, and the full set guarantees double loot.

How do you crack a wall safe within rogues den? ›

Wall safes are found in the lobby of the Rogues' Den, which can be cracked with 50 Thieving. Successfully cracking a safe in the lobby grants the player 70 Thieving experience and loot in the form of coins or uncut gems. If the player fails to crack a safe, a trap will spring and deal damage to them.

How do I get a rogue hideout? ›

Rogues and the Rogue Hideout are featured in most of the events. The Rogue Hideout is also possible to obtain as a reward in the Daily Challenges and from the Challenger's Chest after filling its progress bar. Rogues can be obtained from: Rogue Hideout/Den.

Where is the rogue's armor set? ›

Rogue's Armor Set is a four-piece armor set available in Demon's Souls. This set can be obtained by looting a corpse in a prison cell in Tower of Latria 3-1, on the second floor (2F East) of the Prison of Hope. Pure White World Tendency is required to access this area.

What is the mini game for Thieving Osrs? ›

The Sorceress's Garden is a Thieving/Farming minigame located in Al Kharid which may be accessed after the completion of Prince Ali Rescue. In it, players attempt to sneak past guards in order to steal sq'irk fruit to make sq'irkjuice, or herbs from the garden.

Where is Grace in Rogues Den? ›

Grace's Graceful Clothing is a clothing store owned by Grace, who lives in the Rogues' Den under The Toad and Chicken Inn in Burthorpe. It is the only store that sells pieces of the Graceful outfit, which are bought with marks of grace.

Does Rogue's outfit give more XP? ›

Experience drops remain unaffected when the rogue armour set effect doubles the loot of a pickpocket. The set effect does not affect stealing from chests, stalls, or activities such as Pyramid Plunder or Underwater Agility and Thieving.

How many pickpockets an hour osrs? ›

If utilising dodgy necklaces, the maximum amount of pickpockets is roughly 849 per hour, not including banking. At level 82 Thieving with the hard Ardougne Diary completed, the player will have a 46.2% chance for a successful pickpocket, meaning that the maximum amount of pickpockets is roughly 540 per hour.

What is the fastest Thieving XP in Osrs? ›

At level 91 thieving, you unlock the 8th floor of pyramid plunder. If you only loot the 7th and 8th floor, so the 2 highest ones, you can get up to 270k thieving xp per hour which is the fastest in the game.

What does a rogue kit do? ›

It can do almost anything! The rogue kit can be obtained as a reward from the Rogues' Den minigame. When used, it can be made into a chisel, rope, tinderbox, or spade. Once used, it cannot be changed back.

How do you crack a stray safe? ›

Mosey on over to Dufer, jump up on the bar and look over to the left–hand side. Then, you'll see a painting which you can knock down. Behind the painting, you'll find the code to the safe: 1283. Scurry back to the safe, punch in the code and sit back as that door swings open.

How do you teleport to rogues castle? ›

Getting there
  1. Use the Wilderness obelisk to teleport to level 50 Wilderness, just southeast of the castle.
  2. Teleport to the Dragonkin Laboratory, enter the Wilderness through the exit on the south and then run north.
  3. Teleport to Annakarl, run east to pass the wall, then north.

How to get to Rogue's Castle, osrs? ›

The Chaos Elemental patrols the west and south perimeter of the castle, and can attack players "offscreen", making the area quite dangerous to reach. However, there is a teleportation obelisk in the area, which makes for a fast transport to the castle area, or a quick escape for players being hunted by the Elemental.

How to get rogue outfit osrs? ›

Rogue equipment is an untradeable set of armour obtained from a rogue's equipment crate, which are obtained from successfully opening the safes at the end of the Rogues' Den minigame. The set of clothing can be stored in an armour case within the costume room of a player-owned house.

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