[General Gameplay] Calamity 7 5x Boss Blitz is your most challenging PvE mode, yet the least rewarding. | Black Desert NA/EU (2024)

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Last Edit : Nov 26, 2023, 02:36 (UTC)

# 1

I have been taking a habit of doing all my Boss Blitz at C7 every week for quite some time. I will be honest and say that overall, I've been enjoying that content. The PvE competition aspect can feel nice as well, but, it also creates a very tryhard climate when it comes to clear time and what you have to risk to get good times (which can certainly get very tilting on top of it). Giving the channel-wide global buff is quite cool too and lately, has been almost my #1 reason to do it since I always play on the same channel. But, my enthusiasm for the content decrease every week.

Why? The loot has some pretty "jackpot" in the loot table, but the most probable outcomes for the 5x C7 bundles grants very little silver.

This week was a repeat of the same last 2 weeks. I managed to get 2 1st place clear on Witch and 3x 2nd place clear and I've done the content almost flawlessly. Oduksini 1 death + 1st place, personal record time achieved ; Bamboo Legion 1st place + no death ; Pig 2nd place + 2 death ; Bari 1st place + 0 death ; Sangoon 3rd place + 2 death + 1 reset.

Overall, I did it in about close to an hour of time. Which I feel is very good. The bundle reward however...?

Significant loot : 1x Crystal of decimation (~130 mil after tax and component cost) + 1x Crystal of Darkness (~115 mil after tax and component cost) = 245 mil
Approximatively 50 Memory fragments (4mil each) = 200 mil
10 Sealed Magical Crystal (3.7mil each) = 37 mil
50 mixed traces = 12 mil
5 Resplandant lightstone -> 5x 5 mil = 25 mil
Approximatively 90 Embers = 90 mil vendor trash
200 lotml coin? = ????
= Total 584 mil give or take
Approximatively 10 Corrupted Frenzy Draught = 30 mil
Abyss Travel fees = 32 mil
Moon,Earth, Fire stone build reset (2mil each) = 10 mil
= Total expanse of 72 mil

Big total gain after 1 hour = 512 mil (of miscellaneous crap)

Pearl Abyss, you have designed a very challenging weekly boss content, with difficult mechanics requiring practice, strong will and patience. But, the reward of that challenging PvE content is nowhere to be seen! The hype surrounding the crystals have died down, most people have their Frozen Crystals, Decimation, Darkness crystals, Harmony for Hooms and Macalods are locked behind a hefty 450 mil value on Red Fang Crystals(!).

You need to consider raising the amount of basic valuables from the bundles for the higher Calamity levels. The memory fragments are very appreciated for instance. The reward structure is too random and it requires high rolls on the loot and they're not exciting anymore.

Extra suggestions:
1. Remove the Jewel of Illusion -> Change the %odds of drop into a pure Deboreka Earring. Help with the Red Shard bottleneck and a full debo is way more exciting.
2. Remove the Essence of Taebek from the loot table (unless more is planned with them). Transfer the odds to a full belt drop and increase the probability of drop. The market is completely dry with them since the material components are almost just as expansive as the sell value. Taebek Belt is legitimately the best belt in the game in group PvP when used appropriately, the market for it is tragic.


8 119

Lv 65


Last Edit : Nov 26, 2023, 02:29 (UTC)

# 2

100% Yes


0 1

Lv 62


Last Edit : Nov 26, 2023, 10:41 (UTC)

# 3

Sadly is one of the banes of BDO. Rewards are so tweak towards averages that unless you are lucky they are meh at best.

In this case at the very least a player like you should get enough coins to exchange them for a crystal each week. Also, a weekly quest with guaranteed rewards depending on difficulty would help a lot.

Last Edit : Nov 26, 2023, 16:01 (UTC)

# 4

So you want more rewards for op classes? Great.
First, let PA do a real class balance and significantly lower difficulty of these bosses, and only then we can start talking about changing rewards. Everyone can easily check how huge disproportions we have between classes. On some C7 bosses we have 5-6 class A players and 0 B class and C class players. Moreover, we also have zero B and C class players on C6 and even on some C5 bosses.

I do calamity 1 and 2 and only because I'm annoyed by this icon at the top of the screen that I can't get rid of.

Conclusion: until PA removes time limit, 1 hit kill attacks and allows use potions, these bosses they do not exist for me.


56 2073

Lv Private


Last Edit : Nov 26, 2023, 18:10 (UTC)

# 5

As a person who also regulary does only C7's mostly with 0 deaths I would love to see other changes if they do not wish to improve the rewards. Although considering u can beat C7 Sangoon and Imoogi on pen tuvala with frenzy only on shai i have mixed feelings. But that doesn't apply to all classes tho and all bosses so lets ignore it for now.

What I would love to see added in the rewards 100% is the magical shards. I can't even express how annoying it is that literally everything needed to craft in LotML extra rewards needs 50 freaking shards. I have stuff just sitting in my storage because i can't keep up with magical shards to craft them all constantly as they come. So if i dont grind every day few hours for them i'm forced to spend money to get some money....unless they bless us with Jetina Event. They should cut the amount of shards to 20 max per craft or just swap it to something else that comes by as easy as magical lightstones, its ridiciolous.

But my other thoughts on doing it regulary every week using only musa succ and shai IF they do not want to improve the rewards:

1) Some classes will have it easier due to stamina usage for example. On a shai I struggle much less than on musa doing the C7 Pig King exactly due to stamina usage differences on those 2 in combat. So if u get FG debuffed on him on a class that uses more stamina for some skills, u are done for if he starts spamming long attacks.

2) Extend the time limit to at least 5 more mins than it is now. Some bosses like Songakshi are HP sponges at C7 and have annoying delaying time mechanics like her pointless ghosting around that only wastes time. I can't count how many time she was at 5% and i ran out of time....

3) Stop removing our buffs upon death. Most fights take 5-10 mins (with Imoogi exception which is average of 12) and duration of our perfume/draughts/elixir would allow for many more tries on some of them. OR render ALL BUFFS useless and decrease their max HP.

4) Some bosses have allies, be it at Apex or Bamboo legion. Those allies shouldnt deal so much damage as to almost kill us. Luckly Imoogi fight and his lightings has been finally fixed in that matter. Didn't try other 2 yet.

5) Make the RETRY button actually retry. Make the fight reset instantly on same difficulty and just load the starting boss cutscene instead of kicking us out. I don't understand why there are 2 buttons resulting in same thing....

6) I'm 100% sure there are lot of cheesy mechanics to make bosses skip phases to get better times. Just get rid of this please. Those bosses were suppose to be purely about skill. No gear, no buffs, no cheesing.


95 297

Lv 64


Last Edit : Nov 27, 2023, 02:22 (UTC)

# 6

On: Nov 26, 2023, 16:01 (UTC), Written by Senemedar

So you want more rewards for op classes? Great.
First, let PA do a real class balance and significantly lower difficulty of these bosses, and only then we can start talking about changing rewards. Everyone can easily check how huge disproportions we have between classes. On some C7 bosses we have 5-6 class A players and 0 B class and C class players. Moreover, we also have zero B and C class players on C6 and even on some C5 bosses.

I do calamity 1 and 2 and only because I'm annoyed by this icon at the top of the screen that I can't get rid of.

Conclusion: until PA removes time limit, 1 hit kill attacks and allows use potions, these bosses they do not exist for me.

That is exactly part of the plan when they introduced the PvE balance changes. Some players have already migrated out of the usual Black Shrine meta classes.

Some stick to them too as a routine, because they have learned to farm the boss on that meta class too since learning the bosses on a new class is costly in time and efforts.

My point still stands however. Max difficulty Black Shrine is interesting PvE content, so that's a win for them. The reward structure is already outdated. And that's a problem.


8 119

Lv 65


Last Edit : Nov 27, 2023, 07:06 (UTC)

# 7

On: Nov 26, 2023, 02:17 (UTC), Written by Despins

I have been taking a habit of doing all my Boss Blitz at C7 every week for quite some time. I will be honest and say that overall, I've been enjoying that content. The PvE competition aspect can feel nice as well, but, it also creates a very tryhard climate when it comes to clear time and what you have to risk to get good times (which can certainly get very tilting on top of it). Giving the channel-wide global buff is quite cool too and lately, has been almost my #1 reason to do it since I always play on the same channel. But, my enthusiasm for the content decrease every week.

Why? The loot has some pretty "jackpot" in the loot table, but the most probable outcomes for the 5x C7 bundles grants very little silver.

This week was a repeat of the same last 2 weeks. I managed to get 2 1st place clear on Witch and 3x 2nd place clear and I've done the content almost flawlessly. Oduksini 1 death + 1st place, personal record time achieved ; Bamboo Legion 1st place + no death ; Pig 2nd place + 2 death ; Bari 1st place + 0 death ; Sangoon 3rd place + 2 death + 1 reset.

Overall, I did it in about close to an hour of time. Which I feel is very good. The bundle reward however...?

Significant loot : 1x Crystal of decimation (~130 mil after tax and component cost) + 1x Crystal of Darkness (~115 mil after tax and component cost) = 245 mil
Approximatively 50 Memory fragments (4mil each) = 200 mil
10 Sealed Magical Crystal (3.7mil each) = 37 mil
50 mixed traces = 12 mil
5 Resplandant lightstone -> 5x 5 mil = 25 mil
Approximatively 90 Embers = 90 mil vendor trash
200 lotml coin? = ????
= Total 584 mil give or take
Approximatively 10 Corrupted Frenzy Draught = 30 mil
Abyss Travel fees = 32 mil
Moon,Earth, Fire stone build reset (2mil each) = 10 mil
= Total expanse of 72 mil

Big total gain after 1 hour = 512 mil (of miscellaneous crap)

Pearl Abyss, you have designed a very challenging weekly boss content, with difficult mechanics requiring practice, strong will and patience. But, the reward of that challenging PvE content is nowhere to be seen! The hype surrounding the crystals have died down, most people have their Frozen Crystals, Decimation, Darkness crystals, Harmony for Hooms and Macalods are locked behind a hefty 450 mil value on Red Fang Crystals(!).

You need to consider raising the amount of basic valuables from the bundles for the higher Calamity levels. The memory fragments are very appreciated for instance. The reward structure is too random and it requires high rolls on the loot and they're not exciting anymore.

Extra suggestions:
1. Remove the Jewel of Illusion -> Change the %odds of drop into a pure Deboreka Earring. Help with the Red Shard bottleneck and a full debo is way more exciting.
2. Remove the Essence of Taebek from the loot table (unless more is planned with them). Transfer the odds to a full belt drop and increase the probability of drop. The market is completely dry with them since the material components are almost just as expansive as the sell value. Taebek Belt is legitimately the best belt in the game in group PvP when used appropriately, the market for it is tragic.

Agree, but PA has no idea how to improve rewards without destroying prices of items, which might become worthless if you increase their drop rate. Like they did with caprhas stones, memory fragments are next in q. Crystals well most of them are not worth 1kk only because economy is controlled by PA..


9 227

Last Edit : Nov 27, 2023, 07:27 (UTC)

# 8

On: Nov 27, 2023, 02:22 (UTC), Written by Despins

My point still stands however. Max difficulty Black Shrine is interesting PvE content, so that's a win for them. The reward structure is already outdated. And that's a problem.

Maybe not so much outdated as... typical of BDO, i.e. rng with an absurdly low chance of success.

They added a pity system to Garmoth and what did it change? Nothing. So far I'm 0/10 after the first week. After a month, I will update my topic about these changes and let you know how much I will have then, but I am betting on the same result.


56 2073

Lv Private


Last Edit : Nov 27, 2023, 14:44 (UTC)

# 9

Are you guys doing the weekly clears out of boredom? If so then carry on, the math shows its not worth your time if you are trying to be efficient. Stop participating in unrewarding content until the rewards match the efffort. They will only listen to the data, as long as people keep spending time doing weekly clears, nothing will change.


3 25

Lv Private


Last Edit : Nov 27, 2023, 16:05 (UTC)

# 10

On: Nov 27, 2023, 14:44 (UTC), Written by ExitWdz

Are you guys doing the weekly clears out of boredom? If so then carry on, the math shows its not worth your time if you are trying to be efficient. Stop participating in unrewarding content until the rewards match the efffort. They will only listen to the data, as long as people keep spending time doing weekly clears, nothing will change.

But we like these activities. The problem is that they do not bring any profit and turn into dead content.


56 2073

Lv Private


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[General Gameplay] Calamity 7 5x Boss Blitz is your most challenging PvE mode, yet the least rewarding. | Black Desert NA/EU (2024)
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