A Biblical Response to the ‘Transing’ of America | Romans 1:18-28 | Gary Hamrick - YTread (2024)

we're going to be Romans chapter 1. We'll get to that eventually, but that will be kind of the text for our study this morning, but first let's have a word of prayer and then I'll explain. Those of you who are new like why the content disclaimer is going to be a little heavy today, but you will understand as we go through it, first let's have a word of prayer, Heavenly Father, we just want to solve our problem . hearts before you we are grateful for the cross we are grateful for Jesus who died on the cross we are grateful Lord that you love us so much that you would send your son to rescue us from our own sinful hearts and from this sinful world and Lord, we pray now that you help us to navigate this murky culture, may we be good ambassadors for you, but at the same time we will never give in or capitulate to the culture and that is why, Lord, we need your help with all of this, we pray.

God that you be with us we pray Lord that you go before us now that you put a guard over the door of my mouth and Lord that you be glorified in our time help us we pray for your holy spirit is in the Name of Jesus, we asked these things and everyone said amen. Well, in light of the recent cultural chaos and corporate controversies, I felt it was time to address some of these things head-on through a


lens with a teaching today that I have titled Biblical Response to America's Change C.S Lewis Once Said : "When the whole world runs towards a cliff, the one who ran in the opposite direction seems to have lost his mind," the quote ends, so the world might think that we are the crazy ones because we don't embrace the things of the culture that we don't we celebrate the things that are happening in our culture right now we are actually running from the cliff and we want to take as many people who are about to fall off the cliff with us away from the cliff because it is absolutely crazy what is happening in our world today.

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a biblical response to the transing of america romans 1 18 28 gary hamrick...

Amen. I took nine years of Latin. The word trans is a preposition in Latin and means beyond or through and we use the word trans often as a prefix in many of our English words a transatlantic flight is a flight that crosses the ocean crosses the ocean the country of Jordan was originally called transjordan because it was located across the Jordan River from Israel we use the word in many ways in our English vocabulary, but today the word trans has become a very loaded word and that is why I intentionally adopted it. I put it in single quotes because I want to take the time through a


lens to look at America's transit.

America has overcome how we have gone beyond what we once were to what we are now and what we are now is a culture in chaos, we are a culture in chaos plagued by gender confusion and sexual perversion and this so-called agenda of awakening and everything needs a biblical answer. I want to start by making it clear that this is not a sermon of any kind of hate or harm, we don't hate anyone and we certainly don't want anyone to be harmed, whether they are different or could be different. They believe differently than us as Christians even though our church is listed on a Facebook website where people have been taking injections, they have a list and there are people on that Facebook list, it is now being investigated by the Attorney General and the Office from the Sheriff because the people who have been writing things about those on the list, some of them have been wishing harm on the people on that list, our church is on that list, okay, but that's not us, that's not who we are and No one should interpret anything I say. like inciting hatred or harm towards someone.

I hope I was clear in saying that, but I'll be honest with you. I've been in this pulpit long enough to know that I can say boo and someone will email me or take me on social media and accuse me of that's microaggression right when you said boo, that's microaggression, microaggression, you understand, you said boo, You're gaslighting us like ghosts, that's what you're doing, you're gasping. I've been around the block long enough to know that no matter what I say or how well I try to say it, someone is going to pick up the slack, so do all the keyboard cowards watching, okay, this is simply a biblical


to The Madness of Culture with a Heart to Love.

To rescue those who have been swept up in the madness of culture is what today is all about and to illustrate that point, I want to start by sharing a story close to home here at Cornerstone. Well, a few months ago a young man came. Here to our congregation, I say: Young woman in her 30s in a silk dress with spaghetti straps, heels and makeup, identifying as a woman, she sat here in the second row and at first I have to be honest with you. I was wondering what your agenda is. You're going to get up, you're going to scream in the middle of the service, or you're going to call your friends and come here and shake things up, so I was curious, but you know I don't want to jump to conclusions, so just be nice.

As expected, he never did any of that. I want to thank those of you, and you know who you are, who intentionally sat next to him and gently whispered the truth to him and told him how Jesus loves him and that we are praying for him. and I want God's best for him. I was also told that there were some of you who tried to involve him in the parking lot, coming or going, you did the same to try to tell him the truth and whisper to him that he was never a distraction to him, he came week after week, we ended up finding out that he had been married Previously, he shared custody of a child and sometimes when he had custody, he would sometimes bring the child with him and register him with our children's ministry and put the child in Sunday school and I and I thought to myself the child is going to hear the gospel and he is going to hear the gospel and there were times in the course of my teaching because I always try to use the Bible as much as possible. to the everyday aspect of life and so there were times over the course of his stay here where he would even talk about gender confusion, not because he was sitting in the second row and I was trying to target him, but because I was just in my notes. was part of what I was going to say and hopefully he would hear the truth and some of it would resonate with him and God would use him and he would sit there and listen and there were times when he would clap even things that I was saying, literally, clap and It was a bit of a distraction for some of you.

I got some emails, not nasty emails, just people saying, do you know there's a guy in a silk spaghetti dress who's registering his kids at children's ministry and what is it? doing there and yes, we know we have seen it, we understand it and it became the topic of a long discussion in our pastors meeting and I said to our pastors look, we are going to have to give it some time, let's give it some of time he cannot serve anywhere but he needs to come and listen. We are going to pray for him. We are going to wait for God to take hold of his heart and for him to understand the love of Jesus. and the transformative work of Jesus, so we're just going to monitor this, but we're going to give it some time, listen, folks, people don't show up to church clean, they show up to church messy, they show up to church . lost, it is true, they present themselves to the church lost as sheep without a shepherd and our desire is to introduce them to the main Shepherd Jesus so that people can know and understand him and if we simply said that you have to go, where would he be?

He heard the transformative relationship you can have in Jesus so we needed to monitor it and we did, but I told my pastors this requires a conversation and whatever I think was Mike Frick because he's good at this and so what we decided was We needed to have this kind of conversation with him and so one of the Sundays he attended here, Pastor Mike very quietly and discreetly took him aside and basically said this: We're glad you're here and we want you to come in. . a relationship with Jesus and we want his son to know Jesus and that is why we are praying for you.

We have a request and the only request is that you comply with the protection of women and girls our request that you never enter the women's bathroom here. at Cornerstone Chapel that was our only request, okay, yes, we have to protect women and girls and that's not judging him per se, it's just inappropriate, he's a biological male and that's what we told him when we built this building. We didn't do it for political correctness reasons, but we have some bathrooms that are single-stall family bathrooms, so we told him to please use one of those. He initially got upset but calmed down, listened to Mike and said. he did and he agreed and kept coming for a few weeks until one day he tried to get into the women's bathroom and we had been keeping an eye on him for that reason because we wanted to be sure for the safety of the women and girls that we were going to protect the bathrooms and when he tried to go into one of the bathrooms, one of our security guys, who weighs about 6667 and about 300 pounds, blocked him and told him that you were not complying with the only thing we asked of you.

What to do at that moment he got angry and left and has not returned. I share this story with you. I begin this story because I want you to understand that we must never lose the mission of the church because of our indignation. because of the madness in the world you should feel indignation at the cultural chaos but direct it towards Satan he is the liar and the father of lies he is the one who deceives people and steals the truth from them your indignation should never blind you to lost people and hurts around you, even if they don't see how lost and hurt they are, eventually they will see it and then, because you won't be able to help them find Jesus if you're that angry, but either. will you be able to help them find Jesus if you are affirming so much if you are affirming deception if you are tolerating lies you will never help them understand the truth and freedom found in Jesus we must stand firm in the truth and we must also recognize what Peter said in First Peter 3 15 to 16, always be prepared to respond to everyone who asks you for a reason for the hope you have, but do this with meekness and respect, having a clear conscience so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander, you see, offering the right cure requires first the right diagnosis and here is the diagnosis of what is happening right now in our world, what is happening in corporate America, what is happening in the girls.

Sports: What is happening on college campuses and in public schools when it comes to gender confusion, sexual perversion and the woke agenda is complete and utter madness and it must be understood that that is what it is, It's crazy, look when Target sells swimsuits for women. who are friendly with the folds, okay, they talk friendly, do we really need these ladies? No, no, that's crazy and for its pride month, Target has partnered with a clothing line called Apriline, a London-based company run by a transgender Satanist named Eric Carnell. The development of all of this came from this guy who identified himself as a Satanist last year.

Carnell wrote to this guy that he is transgender. Honestly, I don't know what biological sex is because sometimes I get confused. In what way are you transgender? Don't know. I don't even know, so I don't know. I'm not trying to be funny. Honestly, I don't know, but anyway let me tell you what he posted, what Carnell posted on his company's Instagram page last year. Citing being called a demon is something I can deal with and the idea of ​​a trans demon is pretty cool, most of my work focuses on gothic or dark and satanic imagery juxtaposed with bright colors and LGBT and positive messages, this is who Target has now partnered with.

Target has apparently moved since then. its display backwards or cut off. I'm not sure what the relationship is now, but now Cornell is upset with Target's


, but this is crazy when North Face has a mustachioed guy in a rainbow dress as their spokesperson inviting people to explore. outdoors where there will be date walks community art lesbians and lesbians making art and quotes that's crazy when Disney has a guy with a mustache in a dress and welcomes girls to the haunted chamber that's crazy when Kohl's is headed to children and babies to promote the lgbtq community agenda with these outfits, that's crazy when the approved reading material in the school system is so p*rnographic that when parents read excerpts from the approved reading material at public school board meetings and the school board tells those parents to stop reading it because it's inappropriate but somehow it's appropriate for kids to read that's what's crazy when biological boys and men are allowed to compete in girls' sports and women and stealing their victories and using their bathrooms that's crazy, whatever happens with Title IX, what happened to thefeminists who were always championing the cause of women, but now they are silent and then there is NCAA swimmer Riley Gaines speaking out against it and they canceled her and attacked her when she went to speak at San Francisco State University in San Francisco and has to have bodyguards to rescue her from the Woke mob, that's Madness the way we've been in contact with Riley Gaines, she almost got here today, but she'll come, she'll come here and let's bring it closer to home when the churches fly the flag of the rainbow and affirm sexual sin.

That's crazy. There was a lady who attends our church and lives in Vienna. He was driving here and took a photo of a church sign in Vienna and texted it to Pam on our staff, it was Emmaus United Church of Christ and their sign says this, this is what's there right now as I speak, says this quote, drags Story Time on Sunday, June 4, today at 12 noon churches should remove the word church from their name it is not a church when the Los Angeles Dodgers invite to withdraw the invitation and then invite back to Dodger Stadium to an anti-Christian hate group called The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence whose motto is date, go ahead and sin more. that's Madness this group I'm talking about is a group of men who dress up as nuns they got an award at Dodger Stadium and in their performance I didn't even put a photo of the worst part of the performance just this guy here who do you know pretending Jesus on a cross?

There was another guy pole dancing around him doing hom*osexual acts, all suggestive stuff, while this guy evilly portraying Christ on the cross is hanging there, this is crazy, let me tell you a bright point. on the bench of the Los Angeles Dodgers, pitcher Blake Trynan, so I'm on a group text with some of what I call faith and freedom loving guys in the country. It's just a small group text, guys like Jack Kibbs, Charlie Kirk, Rob McCoy, uh, Seth Gruber, Sean Foyt. On this, Sean Foyt is one of the ones who is going to lead these worship groups around the country, so Sean texted us a letter that he received because he is friends with Blake Trynan and the Dodgers pitcher , and Blake said to Sean, can you text us? to your friends I'm trying to send this letter and Sean texted us this and um and I'm just going to read the first and last paragraph, but this is a bright spot in what's going on.

This is what Blake writes in the first paragraph. quote I am disappointed to see the sisters of Perpetual Indulgence being honored as Heroes of Dodger Stadium, many of their performances are blasphemous and their work only shows hatred and mockery of Catholics in the Christian faith. The last paragraph says: I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins I believe that the word of God is true and in Galatians 6 7 it says do not be deceived God cannot be mocked a man reaps what he sows this group openly mocks Jesus Christ the Cornerstone of my faith and I want to make it clear that I do not agree or support the Dodgers' decision to honor the sisters of the Perpetual Indulgence but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord Joshua 24 15. now friends Frankly, none of this madness should surprise us.

The Bible says that this is what happens when a society rejects, removes or replaces God. I want to read to you from Romans chapter 1 verses 18 to 28 so that we can understand what is happening in our culture. It is something that the Bible clearly predicted what happens when you eliminate, replace or reject God now. Normally I'll read the new King James Version, but I'm going to read this passage from the old 84 NIV because I think it captures the language better, okay, whatever translation you may have. The reading for this is Romans 1. I'm going to read verses 18 to 28 in the old NIV, but this is what Romans 1 18 says, the wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the ungodliness and wickedness of the men who suppress the truth. for their evil, since what can be known about God is clear to them because God has made it clear to them, because since the creation of the world, God's invisible qualities, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen and they are understood from what has been done this way. that men have no excuse because although they knew God they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him but their thoughts became vain and their foolish Hearts became darkened although they claimed to be wise they became foolish and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to resemble mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles therefore verse 24 God gave them up in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degradation of their bodies one with another they changed the truth of God for a lie and They worshiped and served created things instead of the Creator, who was praised forever.

Amen, that is why God gave them over to shameful lusts, even his wives changed natural relationships for unnatural ones, in the same way that men also abandoned natural relationships with women and became inflamed with fire. lust for one another men committed in decent acts with other men and received into themselves to do punishment for their perversion verse 28 furthermore since they did not consider it worth while to retain the knowledge of God listen we have rejected God we have eliminated him we have replaced this is what God says he gave them God gave them to a depraved mind to do what should not be done this is like reading a newspaper What God says is if you reject me if you replace me if you remove me from a culture of a society I will leave you with your own vices and it will not be pretty because you will end up spiraling into a dark place based on your own flesh and evil carnal desires and that is why God says I will give you to them if that is what you want I will give you hand over to those things and one of the things it says here is a depraved mind it is important to understand three quick points that when a nation or a society rejects eliminates or replaces God the The first thing that happens is that God hands them over to a depraved or some translation let's say a degraded King James says a reprobate mind in other words Madness appears again is Romans 1 28 since they did not think the knowledge of God that he gave them was worth retaining.

They lead them to a depraved mind to do what should not be done number two when a society rejects eliminates or replaces God people become deceived and delusional in second Thessalonians 2 9-11 says that the coming of the Wicked One is in accordance with the work of Satan with all powerful signs and lying wonders and with all unjust deception among those who perish for not having received the love of the truth to be saved and for this reason God will send them a strong deception so that they believe the lie. Now notice with me that here it speaks of the Wicked One, the coming of the Wicked One, which is a reference to the Antichrist.

I underlined two words in the text, deception and deception, because what Paul is writing here to the church in Thessalonica is that the culture will be conditioned to receive and welcome the Antichrist, who they think will be the Messiah, because throughout On the path leading to the Advent of the Antichrist, the culture has been rejecting the removal and replacement of God and therefore they are deceived and delusional, so it is no wonder they go. be ripe to receive the Antichrist that they think is the messiah Paul says do not be deceived and do not be deceived and that happens when you reject and eliminate God and then the condition will be perfect for people to accept and receive the Antichrist. because they are already deceived and they are already delusional the Bible predicts this number three when a nation or a society rejects removes or replaces God unleashes the demonic literally looses and unleashes the demonic First Timothy 4 1 says now the spirit expressly says that in the last times How many of you understand that we are living in the end times right now?

In recent times some will depart from the faith, paying attention to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons. People will believe demonic things because demons will inspire these lies. Did you know? This is interesting again, this is not to make fun of this, it is simply to point out through a biblical lens, do you know that in the biblical examples of those who use plural pronouns we, them demons, there is a story in Mark chapter 5 where Jesus goes to the other side of the Sea of ​​Galilee to the region of the Gadarins because there is a man who is possessed by a demon and Jesus goes there to free him to heal him to hand him over.

The text tells us in Mark 5 that the man was possessed or the man had an unclean spirit singular not plural singular but how many of you understand that even one demon is one too many? So this guy is possessed by a demon, he has an unclean spirit and in the process of Jesus freeing this man from his demonic possession in Mark 5 9 Jesus asked him singular pronoun what is your name and the demon speaks to this man my name singular pronoun my name is Legion he responded because there are many of us when a society rejects removes or replaces God from these three passages alone Read it, there are four words that have emerged from this and here are the words: we become depraved, deceived, delusional and demonic , and the one who inspires all these things is a word in itself, it is the devil, it is Satan, Satan himself, this is all.

Satan's attempt to pervert what God has designed and blessed. Satan goes after God's design of biological sex. Satan goes after God's design of marriage between a man and a woman and exclusive sexual intimacy between them and Satan goes after the most vulnerable and precious. all of God's creation both inside and outside the womb the children he is after your children and it is not the first time nor will it be the last look at the example of Nazi Germany with the Hitler Youth movement of the 1930s Satan inspired a crazy Hitler to persecute children, millions of children were indoctrinated with a rewritten history and a distorted biology to perpetuate this myth, this lie of a superior race and not only the children believed it, thousands of teachers joined the Association of Nazi masters, also known today.

It's the Nea but anyway it's true you have to do your homework Association and stop the propaganda and spread the propaganda the intelligent educated adults believed the lie and perpetuated the LIE how is it possible Satan because he is a liar and the father of lies to quote to Adolf Hitler said this quote I want to raise a generation of young people devoid of a compelling conscience Final quote relentless and cruel Satan has done it before and is doing it again now one might wonder in all the madness after Bud Light Lost billions of dollars with In his campaign ad featuring Dylan Mulvaney, a biological email address, you may wonder why other companies are willing to follow his example and suffer financially for it, example of this week's headline.

Target losses rise to $12.4 billion on Lois stock since 2020. They're doing this, why are they following this terrible example of Bud Light? Well, I will present two reasons to you. Here's the first, because they are willing to suffer short-term financial losses in exchange for long-term cultural gains. an evil agenda and American corporations are willing to suffer a little financially to advance this evil agenda like this, it's not a conspiracy thing, you need to understand, this is the reality of what is happening, it is an intentional agenda, now look ahead Illustrate this so we understand from our perspective using a completely opposite illustration with opposite values.

Christians follow the same financial principles that we were following before the world started doing what they are doing in a very different evil way and what do I mean? Christians if you are a follower of Christ you know that under the lordship of Jesus everything belongs to Jesus money is not King Jesus is King and so as Christians what we realize is that sometimes we will take a financial hit to move forward or fulfill with greater objectives. Christian values ​​that we hold dear to our hearts because we want to honor and please God in everything, for example sometimes as a Christian you will accept a job with a lower salary because you want to spend more time with your family and the job with a better salary was more demanding.

It stole your time with your wife and children and that's why sometimes we are willing to do things like take a job with a lower salary so we can spend more time with our families because money is not King. Divine principles are King and Jesus is King in In the same way, for example, some of you have made the decision to tighten your belt and live on one income so that mom can stay home with the little kids and you They will take a small financial hit. because you want to do something that promotes and advances Christian values ​​that honor Jesus.

Well, we've been doing this and what's happened is corporate America has taken notice and said okay, we're going to do that too just for very different things. reasons with very different values ​​now have an evil agenda that they have decided they want to advance and thebottom line The dollar on the corporate spreadsheet is not as important as advancing this agenda that is what is happening that is what they are doing willing to sacrifice some of the money to promote the cultural benefits of their evil agenda and there is an agenda . I can't believe I'm going to quote him, but Bill Maher has really woken up this Bill Maher, have you ever done that?

I know he is a loudmouth and that he has many liberal views, but in this he is calling for what he calls the Woke Revolution. Bill Maher noted that the Awakening Revolution is following the same pattern as China under Chairman Mao's cultural revolution in the 1960s that Mao ordered. His citizens ordered them to get rid of what he called the four old men, the old ones, to get rid of the old thinking, the old culture, the old customs and the old habits, and those who resisted, they actually went around and They put donkey hats on people's heads to embarrass them and if that didn't work.

If it doesn't work, they would kill you. If you resisted the cultural revolution and did not accept this new Revolution, this new Humanity, they would kill you. You know, almost a million Chinese died under Mao's Revolution, it was horrible because if you didn't comply. then the purifiers would come after you, known as the Red Guard, the Red Guard would come after you and the only way you could survive was to plead insanity and apologize and join the mafia and then you would have to submit. what they called re-education, Bill Maher said or as we call it in America, freshman orientation started to embrace all this madness, so here's a comparison even to Mao's cultural revolution and I tell you, you know it's It's a crazy day when I quote Bill Maher, that's how bad it is, but let me tell you a second reason why these companies are likely willing to suffer financial loss number two is because they are more interested in a high CEI score than in customer satisfaction.

Now I'm going to walk back to illustrate this, what in the world does this mean? So here's a little chart I put together because you can always follow the money and figure out what's behind what's right, so let's follow the money. CEI stands for Corporate Equality Index, it's a rating system of how diverse and inclusive a company is and how well it supports the alphabet plus woke agenda, okay so there's a score that these companies want to get now in the case of Target for example, Target's largest shareholders are Vanguard State Street and BlackRock, these corporations support CEI now that they are funding, they are behind financially, well so understand BlackRock BlackRock is the largest asset holder in the world, okay, they're an investment management company, they own the largest assets of any organization in the world, you know, $8.5 trillion, that's what Target's CEO wants to please shareholders or you will be out of work. because it gets a low CEI score and therefore you follow the money further.

The CEI scoring system was established by the Human Rights Campaign. The HRC spent millions lobbying Congress. We are going to try to get our agenda approved by the legislative branch because we want this. perpetrated against American culture, so they are spending millions trying to advance all of this and follow it. The Human Rights Campaign is owned by the Open Society Foundation. The OSF is funded by George Soros. You can Google all this. It's available, so let me. I'm just explaining to you that's why Target doesn't really care if you boycott them because you see they've got Black Rock, they've got George Soros, they've got Deep Pockets behind them and they're willing to suffer a little bit. financially to advance the agenda on the boycott now, let me say this because I get asked a lot about this.

I think that depends on your sanctified conscience and you must decide if when I am here it is my and it is not my intention to be wandering around. this, but the reality is, how can you boycott the world? This is so deep and infiltrated into almost every aspect of almost not all, but many companies, it's a little difficult if you really do your homework on everything you know, you might as well do it. crouch in the hills of Idaho, somewhere with a shotgun and know and grow your own and some of you are doing that and here and here and here yeah, yeah, but this is the only thing I do with the Preppers, the Christian Preppers .

I say this. You know, okay, you know, be self-sufficient and efficient and you know you have the wells and you grow your own corn and all that, but the day someone shows up on your porch because he's hungry, you're going to shoot him. on your porch, I mean, what are you going to do to have roughly a daily supply? Because if you really want to be like Jesus, you're going to share it and then you're going to die after a week, but anyway, this is what I say, look, people have to decide, you know, my personal thought is that maybe At least pick one and divert your money elsewhere, now you might want to pick all of them, you might want to do your best not to give a dime. and that's your prerogative and that's your personal conviction and that's fine too, you know if that's what you want to do, but you better do your homework because you might know that you can't stay in certain hotels anymore, you know that you can .

I won't buy clothes in some places anymore, you better do it. It's not just these companies that I have listed. This is profound, but the bottom line is that I'm sorry to tell you that they don't really care, there are billions of dollars behind them and they want to move this forward. schedule so bad that they don't really care if there are some short term losses, so what can we do? We just throw up our hands and curse the rainbow. God forbid, but by the way, I have to tell you that you know it bothers me sometimes.

It bothers me all the time that the rainbow has been stolen from God because it is God's rainbow. It's in the Bible. We need to take back the rainbow and use it for what it really is. It is a reminder to us that God made a covenant after the flood where. he had the rainbow as a visible demonstration that he promised to never again destroy the entire world with a worldwide flood, that is what the rainbow means, it symbolizes his grace that he will never again destroy the world with a flood, having said that he still He has the fire he laughs and he will use it because the Bible says that this is how the Earth sinks, it is going to burn and I am going to read this because it leads us to what we can do.

Here is the passage second Peter 3, 10-12. but the day of the Lord will come like a thief the heavens will disappear with the Roar the elements will be destroyed by fire and the earth and everything in it will be exposed and since everything will be destroyed in this way listen to the question what kind of people you should be, what are we supposed to do and he replies, you are to live a holy and godly life as you look forward to the day of God and hasten its arrival, so what should we do? There will be four quick things.

The first is that we have to live a holy life, that is what I just read for us, there will be a day when God will judge the earth and the people of the earth and when it is finished, he will burn the Earth and there and those who are with he will be with him forever and those who are not will be sentenced and eventually in the Lake of Fire and there will be a new Heaven and a new Earth and that is why we must long to be with him this The Earth is going to be destroyed and Jesus says, while Therefore, through the pen of Peter, what kind of people they must be, they must live holy and godly lives while eagerly awaiting the day of God and hastening its arrival, in other words, We cannot simply shout at the darkness, we must walk in the light as he is in the light, we cannot expect God to change culture unless we first ask God to change our own sinful hearts as we look at the world around us. or it worries you, of course, but are you more worried about it than your own sinful heart?

I hope not, judgment begins with the house of God and first we must remove the log from our own eye before we can help someone with a speck in theirs we have to look at our own hearts number two it is important that we have a healthy home and by this I mean praying together spiritually healthy examining what comes into the house through Netflix and Prime and the Internet raising your children in the same way of the Lord talking to them every chance you get about the Lord and the Bible and what The Bible says, this is Deuteronomy 6 7. listen to what it tells us, impress them, okay, speaking about the laws of God, the word of God, impress them on your children. talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk down the road and when you go to bed and when you get up take every opportunity to talk to them about the Lord and about the word spend time with them don't give me this rubbish, well, it's, you know. , quality of time, it is not quantity of time, no, it is quantity and quality, we have to work hard on this because you want the hearts of your children to be united to the Lord and more united to you. than the world and know what they are doing, get into their business, okay, know what they are doing, do you know that the average daily screen time on devices for children ages 8 to 12 is a daily average of five hours per day the average daily screen time for young people? 13 to 17 eight hours a day parents, you are losing influence over your children because of the device in your hands that feeds their souls, lies and misinformation, you better have control, you better be aware of that, you have to know what they are. looking you have to know who they're talking to or you'll lose them in this culture you say well I don't want to be a helicopter parent you know that's what I heard I don't want to I don't want to be a helicopter parent I don't want to float you know I just want to No I want to be a helicopter, but I want to be one of those that just gives some freedom.

I don't want to be a helicopter, you know? what you know what you're right is that's true don't be a helicopter dad be a fighter jet dad that's what you need to be a fighter jet dad be a Lockheed Martin F-22 and you focus on what whatever it is is attacking your child's mind and heart and you fight for them you fight for them you should be on them like cheese on an omelette ladies and gentlemen like Hunter Biden on a laptop you should be like that's right, it's too soon, I'm like I'll be Live soon, jokes aside.

I shared this statistic with you a few weeks ago, the National Center for Health Statistics reported that the age group is the demographic they are most concerned about due to increased suicide trends among this age group. that other high school girls I'm going to tell you something that is just Gary talking right now I'm going to take off my pastor's hat I know I have to be careful because the pulpit is a privilege and I don't want to abuse it, but I'm just going to share with you my personal opinion. I don't know if this should be a pastor thing, but I have to tell you something when it comes to our children and I haven't.

I haven't spoken. to Terry about this, but I'm sure she would agree with me if we had school age kids today, all our kids are older, we have grandkids now, we couldn't send them to public school, we didn't do that anymore, now, you, you. I have to pray about that, that is your decision and I don't want to belittle, we have some wonderful Loudoun County Public Schools teachers who are Salt and Light in the school system and we praise God for you and we thank you. I mean it sincerely, but here's what here's why I say it um and I know it's hard because what does that mean?

If you're okay with that, it's like some of you can't homeschool, some of you can't afford it, you know about private schooling, etc. you're, you're in a dilemma, but here's why I say this, let's just say in percentage. I don't have, this is completely hypothetical, but because I don't know what the numbers would be, let's say in public school. system and I'm going to be generous, let's say it's 95 education and five percent indoctrination, okay, I don't want to expose my children to five percent, I don't want to run the risk that, among other things, they can learn well, they go to know that five percent is all it takes to steal their hearts and fill their minds with lies the same way listen if you had a glass of water that you knew was 95 pure but they told you there was five percent poison .

Would they let their children drink it? This is a difficult decision for some of you and I understand that. This is part of the reason we started Cornerstone Christian Academy. We are going to do what we can to try to rescue. children and we will try to do everything we can to make it affordable. Our church is funding the school with millions of dollars because we are trying to keep tuition so low that it is affordable and I just want to say this and I and please forgive me if you think I'm trying to take advantage of the moment because I'm really not, This is a plea to rescue the children, there are some of you and either looking online or here, you could write a check for millions and we could scholarship children all day and we need it because there are people who can't afford it and we have lowered tuition so lowlike us and we are scholarshiping many children, but we could do it. even more and we could try to expand our facilities and do whatever is necessary because we also want to be a solution and not just talk about the problem, but things are so precarious these days that you need to pray about where your children should be educated. because whatever that percentage is, even if it's five percent, it's dangerous what's happening right now to steal the hearts and minds of children.

I have to keep moving because we have to get out of here, but number three, we also have to have a firm stance. This is 2 Timothy 1 12. I am not ashamed because I know who I have believed in and I am convinced that he is able to keep what I have entrusted to him until that day in other words do not give in to the culture friends stay strong to affirm the deception to , you know, I'm going to start, you know, giving people the pronouns they want, stop, you're perpetuating the madness, you're affirming the lies, you can still call them by their name, you don't have to use pronouns. that are inconsistent with your biological sex you are not helping it is not loving to affirm a lie so stop doing it but because of all this madness in the world we need to saturate our hearts and Minds with the word of God so that we can counteract the lies in our minds with the truth of God's word, we need our identity to be rooted in Christ at a time especially when people are so confused about their identity and what I decided to do to bring this third point to a conclusion. to close is to list six truths from the word of God, just six what I felt were six truths that counteract the most current lies right now in our culture, okay, here they are, you can take a photo of it or later it will be like this. posted on our website and I simply encourage you to at least take these six truths into your heart so that you can be strengthened against the lies of the culture, so here are number one.

The word of God is truth.and the standard of all that is right and wrong John 17 17. Jesus said it number two God designed the US man and woman Genesis 1 27. number three God designed each person with beauty and purpose being wonderfully and fearfully made Psalm 139 14. number four God designed sex within the confines of marriage between a man and a woman Genesis 1 28 number five God designed all races with equal value and worth made 10 34 -35 and number six God loves everyone and died for everyone to save everyone who would call on the name of the Lord Romans 10 9-13 that is the truth we need to get that into our hearts and I will finish point number four I will finish our time more or less where we started we need to have a tender heart this is Jude 22-23 says have mercy on those who doubt and snatch others from the fire and save them Jude writes there are people who are on the way to hell says we have to snatch them from the fire and we have to have a tender heart to be able to do that there are hurting and confused people in this world who need to know that Jesus saves, heals and forgives and that they can have a complete identity in him listen to this a study recently published in the Journal of sexual medicine showed that A Trans children were prescribed more antipsychotic medications after beginning gender transition than before.

Statistics vary, but you can read that between eight and thirteen percent of those who have transitioned do so because they are unhappy. May God break our hearts for them. and for people in same sex relationships and for people who have had abortions and for all those who have been caught up in the madness and the lies that Spurgeon tells to be soul winners we must first be weeping for souls and I close with the words of the apostle Paul from Ephesians chapter 6 verses 10 to 14. finally be strong in the Lord and in his great power put on the whole armor of God so that you can stand against the machinations of the devil because our fight is not against the flesh. and blood but against the rulers against the authorities against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the Celestial Kingdoms, therefore, put on the whole armor of God so that when the day of evil comes you can take your stand your ground and after you have done everything you can to stand in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus, well what are you all standing for?

Let's do that, father, we stand in your presence and we pray in the name of Jesus that you help strengthen and strengthen our hearts to navigate a very murky culture and Lord, may we never be so angry that we lose sight of the mission of the church , may we still do everything we can to make your love shine to those who need you most and we pray. for them Lord, we pray for those who got caught up in the transgender movement or the Pride movement or all the things Lord that are happening in our culture right now, we ask that you rescue them and if you choose to use us as vessels to help. rescue them Lord so we want to be available to do that because we know that you love everyone as much as each one of us Lord and that is why you died for everyone to be able to save everyone according to all who would call on the name of the Lord, help us Lord protect our families protect our marriages Lord protect our minds and our hearts from the lives and deception of this world so that we can live according to the truth and offer the truth to all who will believe and receive it and we give them glory and praise in the name of Jesus and all the people of God said amen amen God bless you all God

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.